Ruby: 隐式块转换为 Proc

Ruby: Implicit Block Converted to Proc


def execute_code

execute_code { "Why does this work?" } # => "Why does this work?"


有什么见解吗?我还没有找到任何文档暗示隐式块会自动转换为 proc 对象并分配给变量 proc.

Ruby 2.5.3

对于 Ruby 2.5.3,docs for Kernel#proc() 表示:

Equivalent to

docs for 说:

Creates a new Proc object, bound to the current context. Proc::new may be called without a block only within a method with an attached block, in which case that block is converted to the Proc object.

这就是您的示例中发生的情况。您在带有块的方法中调用 proc,并且该块正在转换为 Proc.

但是,此行为在更高版本中发生了变化。如果你在 Ruby 2.7,1 中尝试,你会收到这样的警告(尽管它仍然有效):

proc.rb:2: warning: Capturing the given block using Kernel#proc is deprecated; use `&block` instead

在 Ruby 3 中,它根本不起作用(实际上表现如您所料):

proc.rb:2:in `proc': tried to create Proc object without a block (ArgumentError)
    from proc.rb:2:in `execute_code'
    from proc.rb:5:in `<main>'

docs for 3.0.0 are unchanged though. This looks like a bug in the docs (it has been fixed in master). It looks like this was first raised in the issue tracker in 2014 and then later in 2019.