由于 Tortoise ORM 中的事件循环关闭,Pytest @parametrize 在第一次测试后失败

Pytest @parametrize fails after first test due to closed event loop in Tortoise ORM

在 FastAPI 中,运行使用 @pytest.mark.parametrize 的测试通过但仅针对第一组值。第二个和后续的没有。不管测试数据是运行它们都有相同的错误。

RuntimeError: Event loop is closed

如果 @pytest.mark.parametrize 有 3 种类型的数据要测试,那么上面的错误会出现 2 倍,因为只有第一个测试有效。我猜在第一次测试后它认为一切都已完成并关闭事件循环。

我试过改变灯具的 scope 但只会导致

ScopeMismatch: You tried to access the 'function' scoped fixture 'event_loop' with a 'module' scoped request object, involved factories
../../venv/myvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytest_asyncio/plugin.py:136:  def wrapper(*args, **kwargs)


from tortoise import Tortoise

DATABASE_URL = 'use your own'      # I'm using postgres
DATABASE_MODELS = ['app.auth.models.rbac',]

# Fixture
async def db():
    await Tortoise.init(
        modules={'models': DATABASE_MODELS}
    await Tortoise.generate_schemas()

# Test
param = [
    ('user.create', ['AdminGroup', 'NoaddGroup']),
    ('page.create', ['DataGroup'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('perm, out', param)
async def test_permissions_get_groups(db, perm, out):
    groups = await Permission.get_groups(perm)
    assert Counter(groups) == Counter(out)


class Group(models.Model):
    name = fields.CharField(max_length=191, index=True, unique=True)
    permissions: models.ManyToManyRelation['Permission'] = \
        fields.ManyToManyField('models.Permission', related_name='groups',
                               through='auth_group_permissions', backward_key='group_id')
    class Meta:
        table = 'auth_group'

class Permission(models.Model):
    code = fields.CharField(max_length=191, index=True, unique=True)
    class Meta:
        table = 'auth_permission'
    async def get_groups(cls, code):
        groups = await Group.filter(permissions__code=code).values('name')
        return [i.get('name') for i in groups]


似乎有关 运行 Tortoise ORM 测试的文档有点偏离。在单元测试部分,它提到了一些关于使用 initializer()finalizer() 的东西,但这些只会带来更多问题。看来真正的解决办法比看起来要简单。


from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

app = FastAPI()

# Fixtures
def client():
    with TestClient(app) as tc:
        yield tc

def loop(client):
    yield client.task.get_loop()


param = [
    ('user.create', ['AdminGroup', 'NoaddGroup']),
    ('page.create', ['DataGroup'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('perm, out', param)
def test_sample(loop, perm, out):
    async def ab():
        groups = await Permission.get_groups(perm)
        assert Counter(groups) == Counter(out)

请注意,@pytest.mark.asyncio 以及 db 固定装置已被删除,后者被 loop 固定装置取代。在某种程度上,这更有意义。此解决方案将自身附加到 FastAPI 数据库连接,而不是启动您自己的数据库连接,这是我最初所做的。
