Salesforce:有没有办法查询我的自定义佣金 table 到 return 特定帐户下所有联系人下的所有佣金

Salesforce: Is there a way I can query my custom Commission table to return all the commissions under all contacts under a specific Account

I have a custom Commission table which has a master detail relationship with contact. I have a List of AccountIds being passed into the function and then into the query. I'm getting the error: " Didn't understand relationship 'Contacts' in FROM part of query call" Any help would be great.

List<Commission__c> comList2 = [SELECT commission_amount__c, date_given__c,
                                         (SELECT Id FROM Contacts WHERE AccountId in : accountIds)
                                         FROM Commission__c];
SELECT commission_amount__c, date_given__c, Contact__r.Name, Contact__r.Email
FROM Commission__c
WHERE Contact__r.AccountId IN :accountIds