先按字母排序再按数字排序 Laravel 集合

Sort By Alphabet then Numbers Laravel Collection


$collection = collect([
    ['name' => 'b', 'symbol' => '#'],
    ['name' => '2a', 'symbol' => '$'],
    ['name' => '1', 'symbol' => '@'],
    ['name' => 'a', 'symbol' => '%']


        "name" => "a",
        "symbol" => "%",
        "name" => "b",
        "symbol" => "#",
        "name" => "1",
        "symbol" => "@",
        "name" => "2a",
        "symbol" => "$",

但这是我使用 sortBy 方法排序时得到的结果:

        "name" => "1",
        "symbol" => "@",
        "name" => "2a",
        "symbol" => "$",
        "name" => "a",
        "symbol" => "%",
        "name" => "b",
        "symbol" => "#",


您需要定义自己的自定义比较器函数来使用 sort 对这些集合对象进行排序。

比较两个名字,检查它们是否都是字母。如果两者都是字母,则通常的字符串比较再次使用 strcasecmp shall suffice. If either of them is an alphabet, push them to higher ranks by returning value -1, meaning to be placed above in the sorted order. If both are numerical or alphanumeric, use strcasecmp


$collection = collect([
    ['name' => 'b', 'symbol' => '#'],
    ['name' => '2a', 'symbol' => '$'],
    ['name' => '1', 'symbol' => '@'],
    ['name' => 'a', 'symbol' => '%']

$collection = $collection->sort(function($a,$b){
    $a_is_alphabet = preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $a['name']) === 1;
    $b_is_alphabet = preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $b['name']) === 1;

    if($a_is_alphabet && $b_is_alphabet){
        return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
        return -1;
        return 1;

    return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);