找到所有组合 - 正方形内的 N 个矩形

Finding all the Combinations - N Rectangles inside the Square

我是使用 Minizinc 进行约束编程的初学者,我需要该领域专家的帮助。

如何使用 Minizinc 计算所有可能的组合:正方形 (10x10) 内的 6 个矩形?


1) No Rectangle Can Overlap

2) The 6 rectangles may be vertical or horizontal


0,1,1,0,0, 。 . . , 0,0,6,6,6
1,1,1,0,0, 。 . . , 0,0,0,4,4
0,0,5,5,0, 。 . . , 0,0,1,1,1
0,0,0,2,2, . . . , 0,0,0,0,0
0,0,0,0,2, 。 . . , 0,0,0,0,0
6,6,6,0,0, 。 . . , 0,4,4,4,0


%  Chuffed: 1.6s
%  CPLEX:   3.9s
%  Gecode:  1.5s

int: noOfRectangles = 6;
int: squareLen = 10;
int: Empty = 0;

set of int: Coords = 1..squareLen;
set of int: Rectangles = 1..noOfRectangles;

%  decision variables:
%  The square matrix
%  Every tile is either empty or belongs to one of the rectangles
array[Coords, Coords] of var Empty .. noOfRectangles: s;

%  the edges of the rectangles
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: top;
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: bottom;
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: left;
array[Rectangles] of var Coords: right;

%  function
function var Coords: getCoord(Coords: row, Coords: col, Rectangles: r, Coords: coord, Coords: defCoord) =
  if s[row, col] == r then coord else defCoord endif;
%  ----------------------<  constraints  >-----------------------------
%  Determine rectangle limits as minima/maxima of the rows and columns for the rectangles.
%  Note: A non-existing rectangle would have top=squareLen, bottom=1, left=squareLen, right=1
%  This leads to a negative size and is thus ruled-out.
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
  top[r] == min([ getCoord(row, col, r, row, squareLen) | row in Coords, col in Coords])
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
  bottom[r] == max([ getCoord(row, col, r, row, 1) | row in Coords, col in Coords])
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
  left[r] == min([ getCoord(row, col, r, col, squareLen) | row in Coords, col in Coords])
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
  right[r] == max([ getCoord(row, col, r, col, 1) | row in Coords, col in Coords])

%  all tiles within the limits must belong to the rectangle
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
  forall(row in top[r]..bottom[r], col in left[r]..right[r]) 
    (s[row, col] == r)

%  enforce a minimum size per rectangle
constraint forall(r in Rectangles) (
  (bottom[r] - top[r] + 1) * (right[r] - left[r] + 1) in 2 .. 9 

%  symmetry breaking: 
%  order rectangles according to their top/left corners
constraint forall(r1 in Rectangles, r2 in Rectangles where r2 > r1) (
 (top[r1]*squareLen + left[r1]) < (top[r2]*squareLen + left[r2])

%  output solution

output [ if col == 1 then "\n" else "" endif ++ 
         if "\(s[row, col])" == "0" then "  " else "\(s[row, col]) " endif 
         | row in Coords, col in Coords];


要进行实验,从较小的正方形尺寸开始 and/or 较少数量的矩形会很有帮助。划定矩形的大小也可能有意义。否则,矩形往往会变得太小 (1x1) 或太大。


这是另一个使用 MiniZincs Geost 约束的解决方案。该解决方案很大程度上基于 Patrick Trentins 的出色回答 。还要确保看到他对模型的解释。

我假设使用 geost 约束可以稍微加快这个过程。正如 Axel Kemper 所建议的那样,对称性破缺可能会进一步加快速度。

include "geost.mzn";

int: k;
int: nObjects;
int: nRectangles;
int: nShapes; 

set of int: DIMENSIONS = 1..k;
set of int: OBJECTS    = 1..nObjects;
set of int: RECTANGLES = 1..nRectangles;
set of int: SHAPES     = 1..nShapes;

array[DIMENSIONS] of int:             l;
array[DIMENSIONS] of int:             u;
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int:  rect_size;
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int:  rect_offset;
array[SHAPES] of set of RECTANGLES:   shape;
array[OBJECTS,DIMENSIONS] of var int: x;
array[OBJECTS] of var SHAPES:         kind;

array[OBJECTS] of set of SHAPES: valid_shapes;

constraint forall (obj in OBJECTS) (
    kind[obj] in valid_shapes[obj]

constraint geost_bb(k, rect_size, rect_offset, shape, x, kind, l, u);


k = 2;                 % Number of dimensions
nObjects = 6;          % Number of objects
nRectangles = 4;       % Number of rectangles
nShapes = 4;           % Number of shapes

l = [0, 0];            % Lower bound of our bounding box
u = [10, 10];          % Upper bound of our bounding box

rect_size = [|
     2, 3|
     3, 2|

     3, 5|
     5, 3|];

rect_offset = [|
     0, 0|
     0, 0|
     0, 0|
     0, 0|];
shape = [{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}];
valid_shapes = [{1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {3, 4}];


x = array2d(1..6, 1..2, [7, 0, 2, 5, 5, 0, 0, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0]);
kind = array1d(1..6, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3]);

这意味着矩形 1 位于 [7, 0] 并采用 [2,3] 的形状,如图所示:

基于@Phonolog 的回答,获得所需输出格式的一种方法是使用通过约束映射到 x 的二维数组 m(此处 size 是边界框大小):

% mapping to a 2d-array output format
set of int: SIDE     = 0..size-1;

array[SIDE, SIDE] of var 0..nObjects: m;
constraint forall (i, j in SIDE) ( m[i,j] = sum(o in OBJECTS)(o * 
    (i >= x[o,1] /\ 
     i <= x[o,1] + rect_size[kind[o],1]-1 /\ 
     j >= x[o,2] /\ 
     j <= x[o,2] + rect_size[kind[o],2]-1)) );
% symmetry breaking between equal objects
array[OBJECTS] of var int: pos = [ size*x[o,1] + x[o,2] | o in OBJECTS ];

constraint increasing([pos[o] | o in 1..nObjects-1]);
solve satisfy;

output ["kind=\(kind)\n"] ++
["x=\(x)\n"] ++
["m="] ++ [show2d(m)]


include "globals.mzn";

int: k = 2;
int: nObjects = 6;
int: nRectangles = 4;
int: nShapes = 4;
int: size = 10;

set of int: DIMENSIONS = 1..k;
set of int: OBJECTS    = 1..nObjects;
set of int: RECTANGLES = 1..nRectangles;
set of int: SHAPES     = 1..nShapes;

array[DIMENSIONS] of int:             l = [0, 0];
array[DIMENSIONS] of int:             u = [size, size];
array[OBJECTS,DIMENSIONS] of var int: x;
array[OBJECTS] of var SHAPES:         kind;

array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int: rect_size = [|
    3, 2|
    2, 3|
    5, 3|
    3, 5|];
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int: rect_offset = [|
    0, 0|
    0, 0|
    0, 0|
    0, 0|];
array[SHAPES] of set of SHAPES: shape = [
    {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}];

array[OBJECTS] of set of SHAPES: valid_shapes = 
    [{1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 2}, {3, 4}];
constraint forall (obj in OBJECTS) (
    kind[obj] in valid_shapes[obj]

% mapping to a 2d-array output format
set of int: SIDE     = 0..size-1;

array[SIDE, SIDE] of var 0..nObjects: m;

constraint forall (i, j in SIDE) ( m[i,j] = sum(o in OBJECTS)(o * 
    (i >= x[o,1] /\ 
     i <= x[o,1] + rect_size[kind[o],1]-1 /\ 
     j >= x[o,2] /\ 
     j <= x[o,2] + rect_size[kind[o],2]-1)) );

% symmetry breaking between equal objects
array[OBJECTS] of var int: pos = [ size*x[o,1] + x[o,2] | o in OBJECTS ];

constraint increasing([pos[o] | o in 1..nObjects-1]);

solve satisfy;

output ["kind=\(kind)\n"] ++
["x=\(x)\n"] ++
["m="] ++ [show2d(m)]