使用 httr 按每分钟计数进行速率限制
Rate limiting by count per minute with httr
我正在与 Discogs API 合作,试图为我的 collection.
不幸的是,它的速率限制为每分钟 25 个,我无法想出一种方法来将这个限制应用到我当前的代码中(见下文)。
我可以使用 sys.sleep(),但我不确定它在代码中的位置。
communityData <- lapply(as.list(collection$release_id), function(obj){
url <- httr::GET(paste0("https://api.discogs.com/releases/", obj))
url <- rjson::fromJSON(rawToChar(url$content))
data.frame(release_id = obj,
label = url$label[[1]]$name %||% NA,
year = url$year %||% NA,
title = url$title %||% NA,
artist_name = url$artist[[1]]$name %||% NA,
styles = url$styles[[1]] %||% NA,
genre = url$genre[[1]] %||% NA,
average_note = url$community$rating$average %||% NA,
votes = url$community$rating$count %||% NA,
want = url$community$want %||% NA,
have = url$community$have %||% NA,
lowest_price = url$lowest_price %||% NA,
country = url$country %||% NA)
}) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>%
直接在 return 您的值之前插入睡眠命令应该可以正常工作。这将为您提供查询 url、提取信息、睡眠、return 值、重复的模式。 Aka,像这样编辑上面的代码块:
communityData <- lapply(as.list(collection$release_id), function(obj){
url <- httr::GET(paste0("https://api.discogs.com/releases/", obj))
url <- rjson::fromJSON(rawToChar(url$content))
# 1 minute for 25 requests -- ~ 2.4 seconds of sleep between each request
data.frame(release_id = obj,
label = url$label[[1]]$name %||% NA,
year = url$year %||% NA,
title = url$title %||% NA,
artist_name = url$artist[[1]]$name %||% NA,
styles = url$styles[[1]] %||% NA,
genre = url$genre[[1]] %||% NA,
average_note = url$community$rating$average %||% NA,
votes = url$community$rating$count %||% NA,
want = url$community$want %||% NA,
have = url$community$have %||% NA,
lowest_price = url$lowest_price %||% NA,
country = url$country %||% NA)
}) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>%
我正在与 Discogs API 合作,试图为我的 collection.
提取社区信息(有的和想要的,最低价格等)不幸的是,它的速率限制为每分钟 25 个,我无法想出一种方法来将这个限制应用到我当前的代码中(见下文)。 我可以使用 sys.sleep(),但我不确定它在代码中的位置。
communityData <- lapply(as.list(collection$release_id), function(obj){
url <- httr::GET(paste0("https://api.discogs.com/releases/", obj))
url <- rjson::fromJSON(rawToChar(url$content))
data.frame(release_id = obj,
label = url$label[[1]]$name %||% NA,
year = url$year %||% NA,
title = url$title %||% NA,
artist_name = url$artist[[1]]$name %||% NA,
styles = url$styles[[1]] %||% NA,
genre = url$genre[[1]] %||% NA,
average_note = url$community$rating$average %||% NA,
votes = url$community$rating$count %||% NA,
want = url$community$want %||% NA,
have = url$community$have %||% NA,
lowest_price = url$lowest_price %||% NA,
country = url$country %||% NA)
}) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>%
直接在 return 您的值之前插入睡眠命令应该可以正常工作。这将为您提供查询 url、提取信息、睡眠、return 值、重复的模式。 Aka,像这样编辑上面的代码块:
communityData <- lapply(as.list(collection$release_id), function(obj){
url <- httr::GET(paste0("https://api.discogs.com/releases/", obj))
url <- rjson::fromJSON(rawToChar(url$content))
# 1 minute for 25 requests -- ~ 2.4 seconds of sleep between each request
data.frame(release_id = obj,
label = url$label[[1]]$name %||% NA,
year = url$year %||% NA,
title = url$title %||% NA,
artist_name = url$artist[[1]]$name %||% NA,
styles = url$styles[[1]] %||% NA,
genre = url$genre[[1]] %||% NA,
average_note = url$community$rating$average %||% NA,
votes = url$community$rating$count %||% NA,
want = url$community$want %||% NA,
have = url$community$have %||% NA,
lowest_price = url$lowest_price %||% NA,
country = url$country %||% NA)
}) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>%