解码 JSON Bool...我做错了什么?

Decoding JSON Bool... what am I doing wrong?


String[String] 的其他变量甚至其他变量都工作正常。

JSON 文件中似乎出错的部分是:


JSON 解析如下所示:

guard let FoodPrepJSON = PrepDB.parse(jsonFile: "foodPrepsDB") else { 
        fatalError("FoodPrepJSON URL cannot be found, or file cannot be parsed")

下面是相关结构。因为我必须解码成不同的子类,所以我使用了 'init' 和 'switch'。代码在底部附近中断。

struct PrepSection : Decodable {
    var label : String
    var key : String
    var isRequired : Bool?           // This is the Problem Variable
    var searchKeywords : [String]?
    var prepItems : [PrepItem]
    enum PrepItemKey : CodingKey {  // DrinksKey
        case label
        case key
        case isRequired
        case searchKeywords
        case prepItems
    enum PrepItemTypesKey : CodingKey { // Drink Prepare TypeKey
        case type
    // Set the types of prep items here
    enum PrepItemTypes: String, Decodable {     //DrinkTypes
        case water = "water"
        case beer = "beer"
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: PrepItemKey.self)
        // init prep items:
        var prepItemsArrayForType = try container.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: PrepItemKey.prepItems)
        var prepItems = [PrepItem]()
        var itemsArray = prepItemsArrayForType
        // decode prep item and associate it with a sub-Class type
            let item = try prepItemsArrayForType.nestedContainer(keyedBy: PrepItemTypesKey.self)
            let type = try item.decode(PrepItemTypes.self, forKey: PrepItemTypesKey.type)
            switch type {
            case .water:
                prepItems.append(try itemsArray.decode(Water.self))
            case .beer:
                prepItems.append(try itemsArray.decode(Beer.self))
        self.prepItems = prepItems
        // init label
        self.label = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .label)
        // init key
        self.key = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .key)

        // THIS IS THE LINE AT WHICH MY CODE BREAKS, If I exclude this line then all variables get decoded fine
        self.isRequired = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .isRequired)   

        // init keywords
        self.searchKeywords = try container.decode([String].self, forKey: .searchKeywords)

decode 更改为 Bool,将 decodeIfPresent 更改为 Bool?