
Show all results in date range replacing null records with zero

我正在查询特定日期出现的日志数。但是在某些日子里,没有记录我正在搜索的日志记录。如何将这些天的计数设置为 0 并 return 一个日期范围内的完整日期集的结果?

SELECT r.LogCreateDate, r.Docs
    SELECT SUM(TO_NUMBER(REPLACE(ld.log_detail, 'Total Documents:' , ''))) AS Docs, to_char(l.log_create_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') AS LogCreateDate
    FROM iwbe_log l
    LEFT JOIN iwbe_log_detail ld ON ld.log_id = l.log_id
    HAVING to_char(l.log_create_date , 'YYYY-MM-DD') BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-01-07'
    GROUP BY to_char(l.log_create_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
    ORDER BY to_char(l.log_create_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') DESC
    ) r
ORDER BY r.logcreatedate

当前结果 - 我想将 01、04、05 包含在 0 个文档中。

2020-01-02 7
2020-01-03 3
2020-01-06 6
2020-01-07 1

您首先需要完整的日期列表,然后将日志数据外连接到该列表。有几种方法可以生成日期列表,但现在常见的 table 表达式 (cte) 是执行此操作的 ANSI 标准方法,如下所示:

with cte (dt) as (
    select to_date('2020-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd') as dt from dual -- start date here
    union all
    select dt + 1 from cte
    where dt + 1 < to_date('2020-02-01','yyyy-mm-dd') -- finish (the day before) date here
select to_char(cte.dt,'yyyy-mm-dd') as LogCreateDate
     , r.Docs 
from cte
left join (
    SELECT SUM(TO_NUMBER(REPLACE(ld.log_detail, 'Total Documents:' , ''))) AS Docs
         , trunc(l.log_create_date) AS LogCreateDate
    FROM iwbe_log l
    LEFT JOIN iwbe_log_detail ld ON ld.log_id = l.log_id
    HAVING trunc(l.log_create_date) BETWEEN to_date('2020-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd' AND to_date('2020-01-07','yyyy-mm-dd')
    GROUP BY trunc(l.log_create_date)
    ) r on cte.dt = r.log_create_date
order by cte.dt
