Twilio 可编程语音自定义参数问题

Twilio Programmable Voice Custom Params Issue

我们无法接收来电方发送的客户参数。 这是我们发送的方式

  func performVoiceCall(uuid: UUID, client: String?, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> 
      Void) {
      let connectOptions = ConnectOptions(accessToken: accessToken) { builder in
      builder.params = [twimlParamTo: self.callToUserId, "displayName": "zeshan"] 

       builder.uuid = uuid

    let call = TwilioVoiceSDK.connect(options: connectOptions, delegate: self)
    activeCall = call
    activeCalls[call.uuid!.uuidString] = call
    callKitCompletionCallback = completionHandler


     func callInviteReceived(callInvite: CallInvite) {

       UserDefaults.standard.set(Date(), forKey: kCachedBindingDate)

       let callerInfo: TVOCallerInfo = callInvite.callerInfo
       if let verified: NSNumber = callerInfo.verified {
       if verified.boolValue {
          NSLog("Call invite received from verified caller number!")

   let from = (callInvite.from ?? "Voice Bot").replacingOccurrences(of: "client:", with: "")
   let customParam = callInvite.customParameters?["displayName"]

   // Always report to CallKit
   reportIncomingCall(from: from, uuid: callInvite.uuid)
   activeCallInvites[callInvite.uuid.uuidString] = callInvite

customParam 收到 null 请指教

这里是 Twilio 开发人员布道者。

当您通过 Twilio Voice SDK connect 方法设置参数时,会将参数发送到您的 TwiML 应用程序的 webhook。

为了发送这些参数以便 Twilio Voice SDK 客户端可以读取来电,您需要使用嵌套在 <Client> 中的 the <Parameter> TwiML element 再次设置它们元素。例如:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Parameter name="displayName" value="zeshan"/>