Isabelle 在包含自身映射的数据类型上终止函数

Isabelle termination of function on datatypes containing maps to themselves

是否可以在 Isabelle 中定义一个终止递归函数 f where

例如,考虑理论上定义的数据类型trie Trie_Fun:

datatype 'a trie = Nd bool "'a ⇒ 'a trie option"

以及我对一个简单函数的尝试 height 旨在计算尝试的高度(具有有限多个出边):

theory Scratch
  imports "HOL-Data_Structures.Trie_Fun"

function height :: "'a trie ⇒ nat" where
  "height (Nd _ edges) = (if dom edges = Set.empty ∨ ¬ finite (dom edges)
    then 0
    else 1 + Max (height ` ran edges))"
  by pat_completeness auto
termination (* ??? *)


这里lexicographic_order不足以证明函数要终止,但到目前为止我也无法制定任何本身不需要的trie(终止)的措施类似的递归。 我必须在这里承认,我不确定我是否正确理解了 Isabelle/HOL 中的数据类型(即,上述定义的 trie 是否实际上总是有限高度)。

是否可以显示 height 终止?

根据 Peter Zeller 的评论,我能够通过在定义中添加 (domintros) 然后对 trie 执行归纳来证明 height 的终止,使用事实height.domintros,导致以下终止证明:

function (domintros) height :: "'a trie ⇒ nat" where
  "height (Nd _ edges) = (if dom edges = Set.empty ∨ ¬ finite (dom edges)
    then 0
    else 1 + Max (height ` ran edges))"
  by pat_completeness auto
termination apply auto
proof -
  fix x :: "'a trie"
  show "height_dom x"
  proof (induction)
    case (Nd b edges)

    have "(⋀x. x ∈ ran edges ⟹ height_dom x)"
    proof -
      fix x assume "x ∈ ran edges" 
      then have "∃a. edges a = Some x"
        unfolding ran_def by blast
      then have "∃a. Some x = edges a"
        by (metis (no_types))
      then have "Some x ∈ range edges"
        by blast
      then show "height_dom x"
        using Nd by auto
    then show ?case
      using height.domintros by blast