Angular/PrimeNG 每当单击 table 值时,在 index/value 处打开一个模态对话框

Angular/PrimeNG open one modal dialog at index/value whenever clicking on that table value


<p-table [value]="SourcesEntities" styleClass="p-datatable-gridlines">
  <ng-template pTemplate="caption">

    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
  <ng-template pTemplate="header">
          <th>Entity Name</th>
          <th>Retrieval Frequency</th>
  <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-entity let-rowIndex="rowIndex">
            <button pButton
            icon="pi pi-external-link"></button>
      <!-- <p-dialog
      header="{{entity.Ename}} Attributes"
      [breakpoints]="{'960px': '75vw', '640px': '100vw'}"
      [style]="{width: '50vw'}"></p-dialog> -->

***TS code:***

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import {SourcesService} from '../sources.service';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-sources-entities',
  templateUrl: './sources-entities.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./sources-entities.component.css']
export class SourcesEntitiesComponent implements OnInit {

  SourcesEntities = [];
  SourcesAttributes =  [];
  display: boolean = false;

    //this function should get the index from which entity is clicked
    //then return a dialog with the content of that index + its attributes!
    //ngFor somehow breaks the table
    console.log('entity clicked')
    this.display = true;

***Service.ts code:***

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { SourcesLogService } from './Sourceslog.service';

export class SourcesService {

  private  SourcesEntities = [
    {Ename: 'Employees', type:'DB Table', source: 'sourceA', frequency: 'RF'},
    {Ename: 'Product', type: 'Web Service', source: 'sourceB', frequency: 'RF'},
    {Ename: 'Movies', type: 'Source file', source: 'sourceC', frequency: 'RF'}
  //These are the attributes that should be shown when you click on an entity Ename. One for
  //each row. i.e. George for Employees

  private SourcesAttributes = [
    {name: 'George', type: 'sofware dev'},
    {name: 'PC', type:'gaming'},
    {name: 'Star-Wars: The Phantom Menace', type: 'Sci-fy'}

So in Summary I want when click on a value in Entity Name column to pop a dialog just for that one entity cell/row that will consists of that entity's attributes {Name,Description}. Instead I am getting multiple dialogs one for each row/entity name I have in my table. Hope that helps, Let me know if I should make my question more clear or if something doesnt make sense please

I have tried using *ngFor="" but messes up with my table somehow...Probably I have used it on the wrong element or something. I am really new to angular so....


You can see in the image my attributeData declared as

attributeData = [{
                   header: [],
                   data: [{name:''},{type:''}]

If I dont declare it that way wont work. But still that way even if it works on my html data is not recognized. Sorry is just kind of confusing for me:/

  1. 通过将 header 名称和行索引传递给它来更新 showDialog() 函数。

    ** HTML Template **
    (click)="showDialog(entity.Ename, rowIndex)" 
    ** Component TS File **
    attributeData = {};
    showDialog(headerText, rowIndex) {
        this.attributeData['header'] = headerText;
        this.attributeData['data'] = this.SourcesAttributes[rowIndex];
        this.display = true;
  2. 将 p-dialog 放在 p-table 的结束标记之后。

     header="{{attributeData.header}} Attributes"
     [breakpoints]="{'960px': '75vw', '640px': '100vw'}"
     [style]="{width: '50vw'}">
         Content Goes Here