在 ScheduledExecutorService 中使用 Java stream forEach() 冻结
Using Java stream forEach() in ScheduledExecutorService freezes
一般的想法是在后台每 10 秒有一个 Runnable 运行 来检查一些数据,并在需要时对对象进行更改。 ScheduledExecutorService 在方法 main() 中实例化,任务被调度。 Runnable 任务实例化 Crawler 对象并开始爬取。大多数情况下,它会成功运行几次,但是当应用程序 运行 并且数据发生更改时,其中一个爬虫方法会被触发但永远不会结束。代码中没有循环。我试图调试也没有成功。也许你会发现问题所在。
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DataStock dataStock = DataStock.getInstance();
ScheduledExecutorService ses = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
ses.scheduleAtFixedRate(new EveryFiveSeconds(), 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// below the task which fails after couple of runs
ses.scheduleAtFixedRate(new EveryTenSeconds(), 1 , 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Menu currentScreen = new UserMenu();
while(currentScreen != null) {
currentScreen = currentScreen.display();
public class EveryTenSeconds implements Runnable {
public void run() {
Crawler crawler = new Crawler();
public class Crawler {
private final DataStock dataStock;
public Crawler() {
this.dataStock = DataStock.getInstance();
public void crawl() {
checkFinancialBook(dataStock.getPaymentsBook(), dataStock.getCurrentDate());
private void checkOutRentables(Set<CarService> carServices) {
System.out.println("Start check...");
.flatMap(service -> service.getWarehousesSet().stream())
.filter(rentable -> !rentable.isAvailableForRent())
System.out.println("Checking finished");
private void checkFinancialBook(Set<BookEntry> bookEntries, LocalDate currentDate) {
System.out.println("Start second check...");
.filter(bookEntry -> currentDate.isAfter(bookEntry.getPaymentDeadline()) && !bookEntry.isPaid() && !bookEntry.isNotified())
System.out.println("Finished second check..."); //this line never shows in one of runs and the task is never repeated again...
public class BookEntry {
private final UUID rentableId = UUID.randomUUID();
private final UUID personId;
private final UUID id;
private final BigDecimal amountDue;
private final LocalDate paymentDeadline;
private boolean paid = false;
private boolean notified = false;
public BookEntry(UUID personId, UUID id, BigDecimal amountDue, LocalDate paymentDeadline) {
this.personId = personId;
this.id = id;
this.amountDue = amountDue;
this.paymentDeadline = paymentDeadline;
public UUID getRentableId() {
return rentableId;
public UUID getPersonId() {
return personId;
public UUID getId() {
return id;
public BigDecimal getAmountDue() {
return amountDue;
public LocalDate getPaymentDeadline() {
return paymentDeadline;
public boolean isPaid() {
return paid;
public boolean isNotified() {
return notified;
public void settlePayment() {
if(!paid) {
paid = true;
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("This is already paid man!");
public void notifyDebtor() {
if(!notified) {
notified = true;
DataStock dataStock = DataStock.getInstance();
Person debtor = dataStock.getPeople().stream()
.filter(person -> person.getId().equals(personId))
debtor.alert(new TenantAlert(personId, rentableId, dataStock.getCurrentDate(), amountDue));
答案似乎很简单——每当 ScheduledExecutorService 中计划的任务抛出异常时,任务就会停止并且不再重复。也不会明显抛出异常。避免这种情况的最简单方法是在 运行() 中使用 try-catch 块,即 Runnable 方法。请看看这个post:ScheduledExecutorService handling exceptions
一般的想法是在后台每 10 秒有一个 Runnable 运行 来检查一些数据,并在需要时对对象进行更改。 ScheduledExecutorService 在方法 main() 中实例化,任务被调度。 Runnable 任务实例化 Crawler 对象并开始爬取。大多数情况下,它会成功运行几次,但是当应用程序 运行 并且数据发生更改时,其中一个爬虫方法会被触发但永远不会结束。代码中没有循环。我试图调试也没有成功。也许你会发现问题所在。
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DataStock dataStock = DataStock.getInstance();
ScheduledExecutorService ses = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
ses.scheduleAtFixedRate(new EveryFiveSeconds(), 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// below the task which fails after couple of runs
ses.scheduleAtFixedRate(new EveryTenSeconds(), 1 , 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Menu currentScreen = new UserMenu();
while(currentScreen != null) {
currentScreen = currentScreen.display();
public class EveryTenSeconds implements Runnable {
public void run() {
Crawler crawler = new Crawler();
public class Crawler {
private final DataStock dataStock;
public Crawler() {
this.dataStock = DataStock.getInstance();
public void crawl() {
checkFinancialBook(dataStock.getPaymentsBook(), dataStock.getCurrentDate());
private void checkOutRentables(Set<CarService> carServices) {
System.out.println("Start check...");
.flatMap(service -> service.getWarehousesSet().stream())
.filter(rentable -> !rentable.isAvailableForRent())
System.out.println("Checking finished");
private void checkFinancialBook(Set<BookEntry> bookEntries, LocalDate currentDate) {
System.out.println("Start second check...");
.filter(bookEntry -> currentDate.isAfter(bookEntry.getPaymentDeadline()) && !bookEntry.isPaid() && !bookEntry.isNotified())
System.out.println("Finished second check..."); //this line never shows in one of runs and the task is never repeated again...
public class BookEntry {
private final UUID rentableId = UUID.randomUUID();
private final UUID personId;
private final UUID id;
private final BigDecimal amountDue;
private final LocalDate paymentDeadline;
private boolean paid = false;
private boolean notified = false;
public BookEntry(UUID personId, UUID id, BigDecimal amountDue, LocalDate paymentDeadline) {
this.personId = personId;
this.id = id;
this.amountDue = amountDue;
this.paymentDeadline = paymentDeadline;
public UUID getRentableId() {
return rentableId;
public UUID getPersonId() {
return personId;
public UUID getId() {
return id;
public BigDecimal getAmountDue() {
return amountDue;
public LocalDate getPaymentDeadline() {
return paymentDeadline;
public boolean isPaid() {
return paid;
public boolean isNotified() {
return notified;
public void settlePayment() {
if(!paid) {
paid = true;
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("This is already paid man!");
public void notifyDebtor() {
if(!notified) {
notified = true;
DataStock dataStock = DataStock.getInstance();
Person debtor = dataStock.getPeople().stream()
.filter(person -> person.getId().equals(personId))
debtor.alert(new TenantAlert(personId, rentableId, dataStock.getCurrentDate(), amountDue));
答案似乎很简单——每当 ScheduledExecutorService 中计划的任务抛出异常时,任务就会停止并且不再重复。也不会明显抛出异常。避免这种情况的最简单方法是在 运行() 中使用 try-catch 块,即 Runnable 方法。请看看这个post:ScheduledExecutorService handling exceptions