无法分配给对象的只读 属性

cannot assign to read-only property of object

#interestingProblem 谁能解释一下,谢谢 我在第一个代码块中更新状态时遇到问题,但是当我在第二个代码块中更新状态时没有问题,如下所示。

我有一个问题:(无法分配给对象数量的只读 属性)

const newItem = action.payload
newItem.quantity = 1
state.items = [...state.items, newItem]


const newItem = action.payload
state.items = [...state.items, { ...newItem, quantity: 1 }]

action.payload 可能是只读对象。在第二个代码块上,展开运算符将键值对传递给新对象。

因为我假设在 React 中对状态执行类似 **kwargs 时,您正在将无嵌套状态传递给具有嵌套状态的状态,将其重新分配为非嵌套状态,从而破坏了您的代码目标.

您直接改变 action.payload 的第一种方法,因为您没有创建 newItem 的副本,而是传递相同的引用。鉴于 action.payload 是只读的,您将面临错误:

// passing the same reference, 'newItem' points to 'action.payload'
// hence newItem is not copy
const newItem = action.payload
// here you mutate 'action.payload' since 'newItem' points to same reference
newItem.quantity = 1
state.items = [...state.items, newItem]

第二种方法有效,因为您是从 action.payload 创建副本而不是对其进行变异:

// here 'newItem' still points to same reference 'action.payload'
const newItem = action.payload
// but here you are spreading the values into a new object, not mutating directly
state.items = [...state.items, { ...newItem, quantity: 1 }]


// here you create a new object from 'action.payload''action.payload'
// hence newItem contains the same values but it's a different object
const newItem = { ...action.payload }
// now you are not mutating 'action.payload', only 'newItem' that's a new object
newItem.quantity = 1
state.items = [...state.items, newItem]