
Calling a function from a map of union types


export interface Truncate {
  type: 'truncate'
  maxLength: number

export interface Append {
  type: 'append'
  suffix: string

export type Applicable = Truncate | Append

const applicableMap: { [K in Applicable['type']]: (base: string, applicable: Extract<Applicable, { type: K }>) => string } = {
  'truncate': (s, applicable) => {
    return s.slice(0, applicable.maxLength)
  'append': (s, applicable) => {
    return s + applicable.suffix

到目前为止一切顺利; TypeScript 正确推断每个函数中 applicable 参数的类型并对键执行详尽检查,所以如果我添加新成员,我不会不小心忘记向映射添加条目。

现在,我有一个 apply 函数,它从映射中选择一个函数并尝试调用它:

function apply(s: string, applicable: Applicable): string {
  return applicableMap[applicable.type](s, applicable)


Argument of type 'Applicable' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
The intersection 'Add & Append' was reduced to 'never' because property 'type' has conflicting types in some constituents.
Type 'Add' is not assignable to type 'never'.ts(2345)

这让我感到非常惊讶,因为我希望 TypeScript 能够正确推断这将始终是一个有效调用。

到目前为止我发现的唯一修复方法是将其称为 applicableMap[applicable.type](s, applicable as any),但我发现使用 any 总是很麻烦。


这只是当前 TypeScript 的限制,还是有办法在保留类型推断和详尽检查的同时调整此处的类型?

检查 https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/30581,这似乎是 Typescript 编译器中公认的限制,并且与我认为的问题大致相同。