主机可以选择将哪些系统调用传递给每个 webassembly 模块

host can choose which system calls pass to each webassembly module

Lin Clark 在 https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/03/standardizing-wasi-a-webassembly-system-interface/ 中的部分演讲:

It also gives us sandboxing because the host can choose which wasi-core functions to pass in — so, which system calls to allow — on a program-by-program basis. This preserves security.

她说主机可以选择将哪些系统调用传递给每个 wasm 模块。例如 read() 系统调用传递给 module Awrite() 系统调用传递给 module B.


是的,它在所有实现 wasi 的运行时中实现。原因是这个特性与WebAssembly的import/export机制有关。