如何将 CustomDataAsset 传递给 DataContext 以达到 运行 批处理的自定义期望?

How to pass a CustomDataAsset to a DataContext to run custom expectations on a batch?

我有一个 CustomPandasDataset 具有自定义期望

from great_expectations.data_asset import DataAsset
from great_expectations.dataset import PandasDataset
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta

class CustomPandasDataset(PandasDataset):

    _data_asset_type = "CustomPandasDataset"
    @DataAsset.expectation(["column", "datetime_match", "datetime_diff"])
    def expect_column_max_value_to_match_datetime(self, column:str, datetime_match: datetime = None, datetime_diff: tuple = None) -> dict:
        Check if data is constantly updated by matching the max datetime column to a
        datetime value or to a datetime difference.
        max_datetime = self[column].max()

        if datetime_match is None:

            from datetime import date

            datetime_match = date.today()

        if datetime_diff:
            from datetime import timedelta

            success = (datetime_match - timedelta(*datetime_diff)) <= max_datetime <= datetime_match


            success = (max_datetime == datetime_match)

        result = {
            "data_max_value": max_datetime,
            "expected_max_value": str(datetime_match),
            "expected_datetime_diff": datetime_diff

        return {
            "success": success,
            "result": result

我想 运行 对给定 pandas 数据帧的期望 expect_column_max_value_to_match_datetime

expectation_suite_name = "df-raw-expectations"

suite = context.create_expectation_suite(expectation_suite_name, overwrite_existing=True)

df_ge = ge.from_pandas(df, dataset_class=CustomPandasDataset)

batch_kwargs = {'dataset': df_ge, 'datasource': 'df_raw_datasource'}

# Get batch of data
batch = context.get_batch(batch_kwargs, suite)

这是我从 DataContext 获得的,现在我 运行 对这批

datetime_diff = 4,
batch.expect_column_max_value_to_match_datetime(column='DATE', datetime_diff=datetime_diff)


AttributeError: 'PandasDataset' object has no attribute 'expect_column_max_value_to_match_datetime'

根据文档,我在构建 GreatExpectations 数据集时指定了 dataset_class=CustomPandasDataset 属性,确实 运行 对 [=18= 的期望] 有效但不适用于数据批次


To use custom expectations in a datasource or DataContext, you need to define the custom DataAsset in the datasource configuration or batch_kwargs for a specific batch.


# Get batch of data
batch = context.get_batch(batch_kwargs, suite, data_asset_type=CustomPandasDataset)

或者在context Configuration中定义

from great_expectations.data_context.types.base import DataContextConfig
from great_expectations.data_context import BaseDataContext

data_context_config = DataContextConfig(
        "sales_raw_datasource": {
            "data_asset_type": {
                "class_name": "CustomPandasDataset",
                "module_name": "custom_dataset",
            "class_name": "PandasDatasource",
            "module_name": "great_expectations.datasource",
context = BaseDataContext(project_config=data_context_config)

其中 CustomPandasDataset 可从 module/script custom_dataset.py