获取接下来 3 个月的星期四并将日期输出到 select

Get the next 3 months of Thursdays and output the date into a select

我需要获取接下来 3 个月的星期四的日期,然后将这些日期输出到 select 输入中,值的格式为 dd/mm/yyyy 但选项显示为“星期四2021 年 4 月 12 日”,最好在 jQuery,但 PHP 也可以。

    <option value="08/04/2021">Thursday 8th April 2021</option>
    <option value="15/04/2021">Thursday 15th April 2021</option>
    <option value="22/04/2021">Thursday 22nd April 2021</option>

我发现这个 jsfiddle 可以获取当月的所有星期四,但我需要它是从今天开始的接下来 3 个月的星期四。 (如果今天是星期四,则包括今天)。

如果是从今天开始的下一个 12 个星期四就可以了。

要获得接下来的 X 个月,您可以这样做:

function getNextMonths(num, include_current = false) {

    let current = new Date();
    let months  = [];

    if (include_current) {


    for (let i = 1; i <= num; i++) {

        let next = new Date();

        next.setMonth(current.getMonth() + i);


    return months;

console.log(getNextMonths(3)); // Gives you the next three months


function getDayOfWeek(num_week_day, dates) {

    let days = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < dates.length; i++) {

        // Evaluate current month
        let current = {

            year: dates[i].getFullYear(),
            month: dates[i].getMonth()

        current.days = new Date(current.year, current.month + 1, 0).getDate();
        // Loop & evaluate days 
        for (let d = 1; d <= current.days; d++) {

            let date = new Date(current.year, current.month, d);

            if (date.getDay() == num_week_day) {


    return days;

// Get all Thursdays (4th day of the week) within the next 3 months.
console.log(getDayOfWeek(4, getNextMonths(3))); 

// Get Thursdays within the next 3 months including the current one
console.log(getDayOfWeek(4, getNextMonths(3, true))); 

// Get Thursdays within the next 3 months including the current one...
let thursdays = getDayOfWeek(4, getNextMonths(3, true));

//...but keep only those Thursdays that are in the future  
let today    = new Date();
let filtered = thursdays.filter(function (date) {

    return date.getTime() >= today.getTime();

console.log(thursdays, filtered); 

两个函数 return 一个 Date 对象的数组 - 您可能需要根据需要格式化这些对象。有关如何执行此操作的不同方法,请参阅此线程:

  • How to format a JavaScript date

正如评论中已经指出的那样,通过引用 , you also might want to consider moment.js 进行 JavaScript 日期操作。