是否可以跳过使用 Skaffold 的部署

Is it possible to skip deploy with Skaffold



> skaffold dev --default-repo=xxx --auto-deploy=false
Listing files to watch...
 - laravel-lite
WARN[0000] k8s/*.yaml did not match any file
Generating tags...
 - laravel-lite -> xxx:841ae56-dirty
Checking cache...
 - laravel-lite: Found Remotely
Starting test...
Tags used in deployment:
 - laravel-lite -> xxx:841ae56-dirty@sha256:d8923a672f61cad9eda2ba19e7fe91822cf5d60444ed955980f1f713b5acc365
Starting deploy...
WARN[0000] k8s/*.yaml did not match any file
Waiting for deployments to stabilize...
Deployments stabilized in 26.846882ms
Press Ctrl+C to exit
WARN[0000] k8s/*.yaml did not match any file
Watching for changes...
WARN[0001] k8s/*.yaml did not match any file
^CCleaning up...
WARN[0033] k8s/*.yaml did not match any file
 - No resources found

skaffold dev --render-only=true 应该能满足您的需求。

(我有点惊讶我们支持 dev --render-only,因为 skaffold dev 确实意味着快速编译-部署-编辑循环,有时称为 innner 循环,而 deploy 通常被认为是该循环的重要部分。)