我想制作一个黑名单命令来阻止来自特定公会的邀请 discord.py

I want to make a blacklist command that blocks an invite from a specific guild discord.py

我对这一切都很陌生。我想制作一个命令来阻止用户从列入黑名单的公会发送 link。 该命令将如下所示: !黑名单(公会id)原因 这是目前的代码

async def server_blacklist(ctx, guild_id: int,*,reason= "no reason provided"):
    guild = client.get_guild(guild_id)
    invitelink = await delete_invite(guild)

我的第一个想法是我需要以某种方式存储公会 ID(在 .txt 或 .db 中)。但是我不知道怎么办。

我之前的回答并不令人满意,所以这里有一个新的:如果你想写入文件,我建议 this page




async def server_blacklist(ctx, guild_id: int):  # Blacklisting command
    # To add a guild id to the file:
    with open("blacklisted guilds.txt", "a") as blacklistfile:  # Open file in append mode
        blacklistfile.write(f"{guild_id}\n")  # Add a new line with the guild id

async def on_message(message):  # Event that triggers every time a message is sent
    if "discord.gg" in message.content:  # Check if message has "discord.gg"
        inviteid = message.content.split("discord.gg/")[1].split(" ")[0]  # Get the invite id from the link
        invite = await client.fetch_invite(inviteid)  # Get the invite object from the id
        guild_id = invite.guild.id  # Get the guild id
        # To retrieve the guild ids and check against another
        with open("blacklisted guilds.txt", "r") as blacklistfile:  # Open file in reading mode
            for idstring in blacklistfile.read().split("\n"):  # Start iterating through all the lines
                if not idstring == "":  # Check if line has content
                    if int(idstring) == guild_id:  # Check if the id from the file is the same as guild_id
                        await message.delete()
                        await message.channel.send(f"{message.author.mention}! Don't send invites to that server here!")
                        break  # Stop the for loop, since we have already matched the guild id to a blacklisted one

    await client.process_commands(message)  # When using the on_message event and commands, remember to add this, so that the commands still work