太大的 FFmpeg 裁剪无效

Invalid too big FFmpeg Crop

我有一个视频裁剪器可以很好地处理我测试的所有视频,但是来自 s20 ultra 的视频在 FFmpeg 中给我一些错误,我真的不知道视频是否过大或不是我的源代码https://github.com/rushidevmurari/RushiCropVideo/blob/213166834b0bc6ce83ab3f4ac494f261a57d7436/app/src/main/java/com/androworld/allinonevideoeditor/videocrop/VideoCropActivity.java

我得到了这些 link 但对我的工作没有任何好处

  [graph 0 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x7673807a4b40] sws_param option is deprecated and ignored
    [Parsed_crop_0 @ 0x7673807a4c80] Invalid too big or non positive size for width '3840' or height '1920'
    [Parsed_crop_0 @ 0x7673807a4c80] Failed to configure input pad on Parsed_crop_0
    Error reinitializing filters!
    Failed to inject frame into filter network: Invalid argument
    Error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0
    Conversion failed!


I/System.out: "-y" "-ss" "0" "-t" "31" "-i" "/storage/emulated/0/Download/20210227_175547.mp4" "-strict" "experimental" "-vf" "crop=w=3837:h=2160:x=1:y=-2070" "-r" "15" "-ab" "128k" "-vcodec" "mpeg4" "-acodec" "copy" "-b:v" "2500k" "-sample_fmt" "s16" "-ss" "0" "-t" "31" "/storage/emulated/0/VEditor/VideoCroper/20210227_175547-0-13.mp4"

I/mobile-ffmpeg: 正在加载 mobile-ffmpeg。


ffmpeg 由于旋转侧数据而自动旋转视频,因此在裁剪之前变为 2160x3840 导致错误。您可以使用 -noautorotate 输入选项告诉它不要自动旋转。

I/System.out: "-y" "-noautorotate" "-ss" "0" "-t" "31" "-i" "/storage/emulated/0/Download/20210227_175547.mp4" "-vf" "crop=w=3837:h=2160:x=1:y=-2070" "-r" "15" "-vcodec" "mpeg4" "-acodec" "copy" "-b:v" "2500k" "/storage/emulated/0/VEditor/VideoCroper/20210227_175547-0-13.mp4"
