@Override 中的内部 compareTo() 方法引起的混淆

Confusion caused by inner compareTo() method in the @Override

        public int compareTo(StockItem o){
            if(o != null)
                return this.itemName.compareTo(o.getItemName());


但是,经过研究,我倾向于认为这两个compareTo方法是不同的。第一个实际被覆盖的是 Comparable 接口,第二个是 String class。因此,我们可以在覆盖 Comparable compareTo 方法的同时从 String class 调用 compareTo。


 public int compareTo(StockItem o){  <---- this refers to your Class  

 this.itemName.compareTo(o.getItemName());  <---- this calls compareTo() method of another Class that
    //you refer on your class. So you have maybe a ItemName itemName on your main class
    //as a field and maybe ItemName is String class I don't know.
    //but this compareTo is called on the Class of that field whatever that is


class MyClass implements Comparable<MyClass> {
   private Integer value;
   // other fields and constructors here too
   public int compareTo(MyClass m) {
        return value.compareTo(m.value);

在上述情况下,我只希望 MyClass 个实例在单个字段上具有可比性(如果我选择的话,我可以有更多)。所以另一个调用只是利用对象(在本例中为整数)自己的 compareTo 方法。这也意味着在这种情况下,MyClass 具有与 Integer.
