
Multiple threshold lines with love plot R

有没有办法在下面的love.plot中添加多条阈值线?另外,我似乎无法弄清楚如何抑制 NA 变量的显示。

love.plot(bal.tab(gac_status ~ covs, data = new_data),
          binary = "std",
          sample.names = "Difference",
          title = "Covariate Balance \n Mean Treated minus Mean Control",
          position = "none",
          stars = "raw",
          drop.missing = TRUE,
          thresholds = c(m = 0.1)) +
         labs(caption = "* indicates variables for which the displayed value is the raw (unstandardized) difference in means.")

我试过 thresholds = c(m=c(0.1,0.05)) 但没用。

它是一个 ggplot 对象,所以 + geom_vline(xintercept = ...) 有效。