如何使用 kong k8 ingress 公开 kong admin api?

How can I expose kong admin api using kong k8 ingress?

我为我们的 kubernetes 部署了 kong 入口控制器,我们正在使用它来路由我们的微服务。

现在我想公开我的管理员 API 以使用其他功能并获取监控统计信息。请有人可以帮助我。

None 的文档帮助我解决了这个问题。


Admin API

This is the port where Kong exposes its management API. Hence in production this port should be firewalled to protect it from unauthorized access.

  • 8001 provides Kong’s Admin API that you can use to operate Kong with HTTP. See admin_listen.
  • 8444 provides the same Kong Admin API but using HTTPS. See admin_listen and the ssl suffix.

-- Docs.konghq.com: 2.3.X: Configuration: Admin listen

从 Kubernetes/GKE 的角度来看,您可以使用以下任一方式访问此端口:

  • $ kubectl port-forward deployment/ingress-kong -n kong 8444:8444:
    • 此选项将允许您从您的主机
    • 查询https://localhost:8444
  • Service:
    • 修改Kong IngressService
    • 修改Kong IngressDeployment

A side note!

You could also expose it with Ingress resource but you would need to create a Service that is pointing to the Admin API, modify the Deployment and apply the Ingress resource that would point to this Service

专注于公开此 API 与 Service:

  • 编辑 Servicekong-proxy 并添加:
  - name: api
    protocol: TCP
    port: 8444 
    targetPort: 8444
  • 编辑Deploymentkong-ingress
        - name: KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN
          value: ssl # <-- from


Above edits will expose your API to the external sources (assuming no connection with the last question of yours with internal lb of GKE). Please refer to the documentation of Kong for support on that matter:
