替换 PHP 字符串中的字符,跳过特定的域扩展

Replace characters in a PHP string skipping specific domain extensions

我有一个长字符串,想替换每个点“.”带有问号,但是我的字符串包含域扩展名,例如 .com,我想在替换时跳过它。

在使用 str_replace() 或类似函数进行替换时,有什么方法可以提供一个数组,例如 (".com", ".net", ".org") 要跳过的短语?


$string = "An example of a website would be google.com or similar. However this is not what we are looking for";


str_replace(".", "?", $string);


An example of a website would be google?com or similar? However this is not what we are looking for


An example of a website would be google.com or similar? However this is not what we are looking for


$skip = array(".com",".net",".org");


编辑:看来我需要对 preg_replace 使用否定前瞻。但是不确定如何将它们放在一起:“寻找 COM、NET 或 ORG 后面没有的句号。


$result = preg_replace('~\.(?!(?:com|org|net)\b)~', '?', $string);

regex demo详情

  • \. - 一个点
  • (?! - 后面没有
    • (?:com|org|net) - comorgnet 子字符串...
    • \b - 作为整个单词(它是一个单词边界)
  • ) - 负前瞻结束。

注意:要使 TLD 以不区分大小写的方式匹配,请在结尾的正则表达式定界符后添加 i,此处为 ~i.

看到一个PHP demo:

$string = "An example of a website would be google.com or similar. However this is not what we are looking for";
$tlds = ['com', 'org', 'net'];
echo preg_replace('~\.(?!(?:' . implode('|', $tlds) . ')\b)~i', '?', $string);
// => An example of a website would be google.com or similar? However this is not what we are looking for