从 PostGis 数据库中查询边界内充满 OSM 数据的所有主要道路

Query all primary roads from PostGis Database filled with OSM Data within a boundary

我通过 osm2pgsql 将 OpenStreetMap 数据导入到 PgSQL (PostGIS) 我想从包含的数据中获取一个 SF 对象 一个区域(bbox)内的所有主要道路(几何)进入 R.

我迷路了,因为我也想有关系和节点 我不确定是否仅对 planet_osm_roads 进行查询就足够了,以及导入的数据结构与我通常使用的 osm xml 数据有何不同。 我知道这可能是一个更广泛的问题,但是



conn <- RPostgreSQL::dbConnect("PostgreSQL", host = MYHOST,
                               dbname = "osm_data", user = "postgres", password = MYPASSWORD)

a<-pgGetGeom(conn, c("public", "planet_osm_roads"), geom = "way", gid = "osm_id",
          other.cols = FALSE, clauses  = "WHERE highway = 'primary' && ST_MakeEnvelope(11.2364353533134, 47.8050651144447,  11.8882527806375, 48.2423300001326)")


Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) : 
  RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR:  syntax error at or near "ST_MakeEnvelope"
LINE 2: ...lic"."planet_osm_roads" WHERE "way" IS NOT NULL   ST_MakeEnv...
Error in pgGetGeom(conn, c("public", "planet_osm_roads"), geom = "way",  : 
  No geometries found.
In addition: Warning message:
In postgresqlQuickSQL(conn, statement, ...) :
  Could not create execute: SELECT DISTINCT a.geo AS type 
                        FROM (SELECT ST_GeometryType("way") as geo FROM "public"."planet_osm_roads" WHERE "way" IS NOT NULL   ST_MakeEnvelope(11.2364353533134, 47.8050651144447,  11.8882527806375, 48.2423300001326)) a;


osm_data=# \d
                  List of relations
  Schema  |        Name        |   Type   |  Owner   
 public   | geography_columns  | view     | postgres
 public   | geometry_columns   | view     | postgres
 public   | planet_osm_line    | table    | postgres
 public   | planet_osm_nodes   | table    | postgres
 public   | planet_osm_point   | table    | postgres
 public   | planet_osm_polygon | table    | postgres
 public   | planet_osm_rels    | table    | postgres
 public   | planet_osm_roads   | table    | postgres
 public   | planet_osm_ways    | table    | postgres
 public   | spatial_ref_sys    | table    | postgres
 topology | layer              | table    | postgres
 topology | topology           | table    | postgres
 topology | topology_id_seq    | sequence | postgres

schema_name         table_name geom_column geometry_type     type
1      public    planet_osm_line         way    LINESTRING GEOMETRY
2      public   planet_osm_point         way         POINT GEOMETRY
3      public planet_osm_polygon         way      GEOMETRY GEOMETRY
4      public   planet_osm_roads         way    LINESTRING GEOMETRY

                      Table "public.planet_osm_roads"
       Column       |           Type            | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 osm_id             | bigint                    |           |          | 
 access             | text                      |           |          | 
 addr:housename     | text                      |           |          | 
 addr:housenumber   | text                      |           |          | 
 addr:interpolation | text                      |           |          | 
 admin_level        | text                      |           |          | 
 aerialway          | text                      |           |          | 
 aeroway            | text                      |           |          | 
 amenity            | text                      |           |          | 
 area               | text                      |           |          | 
 barrier            | text                      |           |          | 
 bicycle            | text                      |           |          | 
 brand              | text                      |           |          | 
 bridge             | text                      |           |          | 
 boundary           | text                      |           |          | 
 building           | text                      |           |          | 
 construction       | text                      |           |          | 

我明白了。 这就是如何从 11.2364353533134,47.8050651144447,11.8882527806375,48.2423300001326 BBOX:

中填充 OSM 数据的 PostGIS 数据库中获取 SF 对象的方法
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "osm_data",
                 host = "localhost", port = 5432,
                 user = "postgres", password = pw)

sf_data = st_read(con, query = "SELECT osm_id,name,highway,way
  FROM planet_osm_roads
WHERE highway = 'primary' OR highway = 'secondary' OR highway = 'tertiary'AND ST_Contains(


我必须验证是否真的考虑了 BBOX 值。我不确定。


WITH planet_osm_roads (highway,way) AS (
    ('primary','SRID=3857;POINT(1283861.57 6113504.88)'::geometry), --inside your bbox
    ('secondary','SRID=3857;POINT(1286919.06 6067184.04)'::geometry)  --somewhere else ..
SELECT highway,ST_AsText(way)
FROM planet_osm_roads
   highway IN ('primary','secondary','tertiary') AND
   planet_osm_roads.way && ST_Transform(
  ST_MakeEnvelope(11.2364353533134,47.8050651144447,11.8882527806375,48.2423300001326, 4326),3857

 highway |          st_astext           
 primary | POINT(1283861.57 6113504.88)

此图说明了 BBOX 和上例中使用的点

  • 检查 documentation 以获取有关 bbox 交集运算符 && 的更多信息。


  • 如果您自己创建 BBOX 以便为 ST_Contains, consider simply using ST_DWithin 提供一个区域。它基本上会做同样的事情,但你只需要提供一个参考点和距离。
  • 取决于 highway 类型在 table planet_osm_roads 中的分布,并且考虑到您的查询 总是 寻找 primarysecondarytertiary 高速公路,创建 partial index 可以显着提高性能。正如文档所说:

A partial index is an index built over a subset of a table; the subset is defined by a conditional expression (called the predicate of the partial index). The index contains entries only for those table rows that satisfy the predicate. Partial indexes are a specialized feature, but there are several situations in which they are useful.


CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_roads_way ON planet_osm_roads USING gist(way) 
WHERE highway IN ('primary','secondary','tertiary');

并且 highway 也需要被索引。所以试试这个..

CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_roads_highway ON planet_osm_roads (highway);

.. 甚至另一个部分索引,以防您无法删除其他数据但您不需要它做任何事情:

CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_roads_highway ON planet_osm_roads (highway) 
WHERE highway IN ('primary','secondary','tertiary');

您始终可以识别瓶颈并检查查询规划器是否正在使用您的索引 EXPLAIN
