Flutter Twitter 登录停止使用身份验证错误“抱歉,该页面不存在”(代码 34)

Flutter Twitter Login Stopped Working With Authentication Error 'Sorry, that page doesn't exist' (code 34)

所以情况如下,我用了pub.dev all for the purpose of user authentication with Twitter (3-legged Oauth). My main package which I was using in my app was flutter_twitter_login. This worked flawlessly until today when I run my app everything was still working (launched the sign in page and signed in successfully) until the authorisation function was triggered when then I was redirected to the 'Sorry, that page doesn't exist' page with a search bar on Twitter (error code 34). I thought maybe this is a problem with my package like a new bad update, simply not the case, all 3 most known packages for user authentication failed in the exact same way. The other 2 I tested were twitter_login and flutter_twitter的3个不同的包。

请记住,2 天前我在我的应用程序中成功登录并返回了确认消息和有效的 HTTP 消息。我的大部分代码都是 flutter 包创建者给出的示例。


在看到多年来在堆栈溢出和 Twitter 开发者论坛上报告的一些相关问题后,我怀疑问题可能出在 API 端点(我的 flutter 包操纵的,而不是我)。任何 opinions/directions?

PS:我看到过关于应用程序被停用、意外禁用 3-legged Oauth 和帐户被阻止的问题,所有这 3 个都不是我 checked/tested 彻底的问题。


似乎问题出在API方面,并且已经解决了,我没有对我的代码做任何更改.该问题持续了 48 小时。