如何筛选生成经常性分录 (GL504000) 屏幕的记录

How can I filter records for the Generate Recurring Entries (GL504000) screen

我正在尝试修改“生成经常性交易”(GL504000) 屏幕,我想添加一个用户字段来过滤网格。我在 header 的 'Parameters' DAC 和网格的 'Schedule' DAC 的 DAC 扩展中添加了一个 UsrRecurringClass 用户字段。现在我想通过我添加到 header 的 selection 过滤该网格(我添加到两者的 UsrRecurringClass 字段)

问题是,我无法将该字段添加到视图 select (Schedule_List) 并让它产生任何影响(我确实在 [=25] 上将 CommitChanges 设置为 true =] 筛选字段)。

我已经将其添加到 'ScheduleRun' BLC 的图形扩展中,如下所示,但它似乎没有任何区别...

public PXFilteredProcessing<Schedule, ScheduleRun.Parameters,
      Where2<Where<ParametersExt.usrRecurringClass, IsNull, Or<ScheduleExt.usrRecurringClass, Equal<Current<ParametersExt.usrRecurringClass>>>>,
                   And2<Where<Schedule.active, Equal<True>>,
                   And<Schedule.nextRunDate, LessEqual<Current<ScheduleRun.Parameters.executionDate>>>>>> Schedule_List;

也许我没有正确执行 BQL,或者有更好的方法,使用视图委托 - 我不确定。



  public class ARCreateWriteOff_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ARCreateWriteOff>
        #region Event Handlers

        // First expose the PXFilterable view in the extension 
        [PX.SM.PXViewDetailsButton(typeof(ARRegisterEx.refNbr), WindowMode = PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.NewWindow)]
        public PXFilteredProcessingJoin<ARRegisterEx>  ARDocumentList;
        // the ARDocumentList view is a long BQL statement I just removed most of it for the example

        // Over write the IEnumerabel 
        protected virtual IEnumerable aRDocumentList()
            // Get the current row and its extention
            ARWriteOffFilter aRWriteOffFilter = Base.Filter.Current;
            ARWriteOffFilterExt aRWriteOffFilterExt = aRWriteOffFilter.GetExtension<ARWriteOffFilterExt>();
            // loop the values
            foreach (ARRegisterEx item in Base.ARDocumentList.Select())
                //check if the field is Null to return all data
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aRWriteOffFilterExt.UsrEmployeeID))
                    yield return item;
                    // Here you will check if your filter matches the row level
                    if (aRWriteOffFilterExt.UsrEmployeeID == bAccountExt.UsrEmployeeID)
                        yield return item;

