使用 xlsx/sheetjs 添加动态列

Add dynamic columns with xlsx/ sheetjs

我有一个包含 ID 和数据的多个标签的数组:

    "id": "tagID1", 
    "error": { "code": 0, "success": true }, 
    "data": [
      [1604395417575, 108, 3], 
      [1604395421453, 879, 3]
    "id": "tagID2", 
    "error": {"code": 0, "success": true}, 
    "data": [
      [1604395417575, 508, 3], 
      [1604395421453, 179, 3]

我想使用来自 NPM 的 xlsx 包将此数据转换为 Excel 传播sheet。


我想在 Excel sheet 中显示为以下格式

| Timestamp    |  tagID1 value  | tagID1 quality | tagID2 value | tagID2 quality|
| --------     | -------------- | -------- ------| -------------| ------------- |
| 1604395417575| 108            |   3            |     508      |   3           |
| 1604395421453| 879            |   3            |     179      |   3           |


| Timestamp    |     TagID-1          |   TagID-2         | 
|              | ----------------------------------------
|              | value   | quality    | value   | quality |  
| 1604395417575|  108    |     3     |  508     |   3     |
| 1604395421453|  879    |     3     |  179     |   3     |

我是 XLSX(又名 SheetJS)的新手 - 我该怎么做?


  1. 通过将每个 object 的 iddata 属性排列成一个长列表来转换数据
  2. 添加一个 order 属性 这是 id 末尾的数字,例如1 对于 tagID1
  3. Timestamp 然后 order 对新数组进行排序 - 如果您的数据已经按该顺序排序,则可能不需要这样做
  4. 解析 headers 并创建 tagIDN qualitytagIDN value
  5. 通过获取唯一时间戳并为每个时间戳创建 1 行,并使用与标签一样多的列对,将数据转换为宽格式
  6. 第 4 步和第 5 步正在创建可以传递给 XLSX 方法的数组数组 XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet
  7. 因为那些很长的时间戳会被Excel转换为科学计数法,所以将它们设置为0
  8. 的数字格式
  9. 创建一个工作簿,使用步骤 6 中的方法插入一个 sheet 并保存


const XLSX = require("xlsx");

// input data
const input_data = [
    "id": "tagID1", 
    "error": { "code": 0, "success": true }, 
    "data": [
      [1604395417575, 108, 3], 
      [1604395421453, 879, 3]
    "id": "tagID2", 
    "error": {"code": 0, "success": true}, 
    "data": [
      [1604395417575, 508, 3], 
      [1604395421453, 179, 3]

// data transforms
// 1st transform - get long array of objects
const prep = input_data.map(obj => {
  return obj.data.map(arr => {
    return {
      "TimeStamp": arr[0],
      "id": obj.id,
      "order": +obj.id.substr(5, obj.id.length - 5),
      "quality": arr[1],
      "value": arr[2]

// sort by timestamp asc, order asc
prep.sort((a, b) => a.TimeStamp - b.TimeStamp || a.order - b.order);

// headers
const headers = ["Timestamp"].concat(
  [...new Set(prep.map(obj => obj.id))]
    .map(id => [`${id} quality`, `${id} value`])

// organise the data - in wide format
const ws_data = [...new Set(prep.map(obj => obj.TimeStamp))]
  .map(ts => {
    const objByTimestamp = prep.filter(obj => obj.TimeStamp === ts);
    let arr = [ts];
    objByTimestamp.forEach(obj => arr = arr.concat([obj.quality, obj.value]));
    return arr;

// prepend the headers

// to Excel
// new workbook
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();

// create sheet with array-of-arrays to sheet method
const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(ws_data);

// assign sheet to workbook
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");

// set column A as text
const range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(ws['!ref']);
for (let i = range.s.r; i <= range.e.r; i++) {
  const ref = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({r: i , c: 0});
  ws[ref].z = "0";

// save workbook
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "C:\Users\Robin\Desktop\so.xlsx", {});

Excel 输出:


要在第一行有双 headers 合并单元格(对于标签 ID)- 请参阅更新:

const XLSX = require("xlsx");

// input data
const input_data = [
    "id": "tagID1", 
    "error": { "code": 0, "success": true }, 
    "data": [
      [1604395417575, 108, 3], 
      [1604395421453, 879, 3]
    "id": "tagID2", 
    "error": {"code": 0, "success": true}, 
    "data": [
      [1604395417575, 508, 3], 
      [1604395421453, 179, 3]

// data transforms
// 1st transform - get long array of objects
const prep = input_data.map(obj => {
  return obj.data.map(arr => {
    return {
      "TimeStamp": arr[0],
      "id": obj.id,
      "order": +obj.id.substr(5, obj.id.length - 5),
      "quality": arr[1],
      "value": arr[2]

// sort by timestamp asc, order asc
prep.sort((a, b) => a.TimeStamp - b.TimeStamp || a.order - b.order);

// headers
// const headers = ["Timestamp"].concat(
//   [...new Set(prep.map(obj => obj.id))]
//     .map(id => [`${id} quality`, `${id} value`])
//     .flat()
// );
const ids = [...new Set(prep.map(obj => obj.id))];
const headers1 = [""].concat(ids.map(id => Array(2).fill(id)).flat());
const headers2 = ["Timestamp"].concat(ids.map(id => Array(["quality", "value"])).flat()).flat();

// organise the data - in wide format
const ws_data = [...new Set(prep.map(obj => obj.TimeStamp))]
  .map(ts => {
    const objByTimestamp = prep.filter(obj => obj.TimeStamp === ts);
    let arr = [ts];
    objByTimestamp.forEach(obj => arr = arr.concat([obj.quality, obj.value]));
    return arr;

// prepend the headers

// to Excel
// new workbook
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();

// create sheet with array-of-arrays to sheet method
const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(ws_data);

// assign sheet to workbook
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");

// set column A as text
const range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(ws['!ref']);
for (let i = range.s.r; i <= range.e.r; i++) {
  const ref = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({r: i , c: 0});
  ws[ref].z = "0";

// assign merges to sheet
// https://whosebug.com/questions/53516403/sheetjs-xlsx-how-to-write-merged-cells
const merges = ids.reduce((acc, curr, idx) => {
    s: {r: 0, c: 1 + (2 *idx)},
    e: {r: 0, c: 1 + (2 *idx) + 1}
  return acc;
}, []);
ws["!merges"] = merges;

// save workbook
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "C:\Users\Robin\Desktop\so.xlsx", {});

Excel 输出:
