AdMob SKAdNetwork 需要哪些 SKAdNetworkIdentifier
Which SKAdNetworkIdentifier's are needed for AdMob SKAdNetwork
我在 iOS 游戏中使用 AdMob,我最近更新了它以在我的 Info.plist 文件中包含 AdMob SKAdNetworkIdentifier(因为我的 AdMob 帐户中有警告要求这样做)。 Google 的标识符是:
这一切似乎工作正常,我的 AbMob 帐户页面上的警告消失了。
它说在“select 其他买家”部分还有 32 个 SKAdNetworkIdentier,AdMob 建议我们也必须包括这些。
我还没有更新我的游戏而且警告已经消失了,所以我不知道是否要添加所有这些额外的标识符。看起来该列表会定期添加到(最后更新于 4 月 9 日),因此如果这是 Google 的计划,则必须不断更新我的应用程序似乎很痛苦。
我不使用“调解”。那么我需要所有这些第 3 方的还是只需要 Google 一个?
如果您不使用AdMob Mediation,则无需添加其他 SKAdNetworkIdentifier。您只需添加 Google (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) 的值。如果您使用的是 AdMob 中介,则需要为您使用的中介网络添加值。至少我是这样理解的:
原因 1
这也在 Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers forum 中被询问和回答。
We have the app with google mobile ads SDK and didn't see any third
buyer for this So we are confused that from the link: it's said
"includes SKAdNetworkIdentifier values for Google
(cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) and select additional buyers who have
provided these values to Google"
So in this case, If our app doesn't have additional buyer, what we
should do? For SKAdNetworkIdentifier, Could we just the google value
(cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) here?
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
With regard to your question, you can use (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork)
since your're only using Google product. For your question regarding
if your app doesn't have additional buyer, as you are only using
Google product, there's no other steps you need to do other than
including in SKAdNetworkIdentifier values the Google
Regards, Google Logo Princess Pamela Pineda Mobile Ads SDK Team
Hi there,
I work with Pamela and will assist you. Mediation Partners have their
own SKAdNetwork codes. The recommendation is to include all codes that
may be used by an ad, meaning all sources for your ads should have
their own code placed in your plist.
Google Logo Aryeh Baker Mobile Ads SDK Team
原因 2
通过查看 AdMob 中介文档。例如,对于 Facebook 它表示:
Facebook asks that you add the following SKAdNetwork identifiers to
your project's Info.plist file:
我在 iOS 游戏中使用 AdMob,我最近更新了它以在我的 Info.plist 文件中包含 AdMob SKAdNetworkIdentifier(因为我的 AdMob 帐户中有警告要求这样做)。 Google 的标识符是:
这一切似乎工作正常,我的 AbMob 帐户页面上的警告消失了。
它说在“select 其他买家”部分还有 32 个 SKAdNetworkIdentier,AdMob 建议我们也必须包括这些。
我还没有更新我的游戏而且警告已经消失了,所以我不知道是否要添加所有这些额外的标识符。看起来该列表会定期添加到(最后更新于 4 月 9 日),因此如果这是 Google 的计划,则必须不断更新我的应用程序似乎很痛苦。
我不使用“调解”。那么我需要所有这些第 3 方的还是只需要 Google 一个?
如果您不使用AdMob Mediation,则无需添加其他 SKAdNetworkIdentifier。您只需添加 Google (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) 的值。如果您使用的是 AdMob 中介,则需要为您使用的中介网络添加值。至少我是这样理解的:
原因 1
这也在 Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers forum 中被询问和回答。 问题是:
We have the app with google mobile ads SDK and didn't see any third buyer for this So we are confused that from the link: it's said "includes SKAdNetworkIdentifier values for Google (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) and select additional buyers who have provided these values to Google"
So in this case, If our app doesn't have additional buyer, what we should do? For SKAdNetworkIdentifier, Could we just the google value (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) here?
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
With regard to your question, you can use (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) since your're only using Google product. For your question regarding if your app doesn't have additional buyer, as you are only using Google product, there's no other steps you need to do other than including in SKAdNetworkIdentifier values the Google (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork).
Regards, Google Logo Princess Pamela Pineda Mobile Ads SDK Team
Hi there,
I work with Pamela and will assist you. Mediation Partners have their own SKAdNetwork codes. The recommendation is to include all codes that may be used by an ad, meaning all sources for your ads should have their own code placed in your plist.
Google Logo Aryeh Baker Mobile Ads SDK Team
原因 2
通过查看 AdMob 中介文档。例如,对于 Facebook 它表示:
Facebook asks that you add the following SKAdNetwork identifiers to your project's Info.plist file: