Firebase 云消息发送与接收

Firebase Cloud Messaging Send vs Received

我们正在使用 firebase 云消息传递为用户发送通知。当我们查看云消息报告时,我们发现只有 5% 的发送消息被接收。



我在这个答案的评论中找到了这个讨论 。事实证明,订阅 FCM 中的主题不一定是永久的。所以不要让用户一次订阅一个主题。而是在每次应用程序启动时执行此操作,尽管它是

"not technically necessary. It may depend on your use case. For example, if you want a global topic where all users are a member of, you'd have to make sure that they are subscribed to it. Putting the subscribe method when the app starts guarantees this."

  • -@AL.
