Vim: 避免在 make 成功后按 ENTER 键?

Vim: Avoid having to press ENTER after successful make?

$ ls
Makefile          html-page/        page-generator.m4
Run               includes/

除了 Makefile,我还有一个脚本 Run,它仅在 make 完成且没有错误时执行。我已经设法在我的 .vimrc 文件中实现了以下内容,如果需要,该文件还会在父目录中查找 Makefile

" Before the 'make' quickfix command, run my quickfix pre-commands
autocmd QuickfixCmdPre make call MyQuickfixCmdPre()

" After the 'make' quickfix command, run my quickfix post-commands
autocmd QuickfixCmdPost make call MyQuickfixCmdPost()

function! MyQuickfixCmdPre()
    " Save current buffer, but only if it's been modified

    " (h)ead of (p)ath of % (current buffer), i.e. path of current file
    let l:dir = expand('%:p:h')

    " Remove final / and smack a /Makefile on the end, glob gives empty if file doesn't exist
    while empty(glob(substitute(l:dir, '/$', '', '') . '/Makefile'))
        " There's no Makefile here. Are we at the root dir?
        if l:dir ==# "/"
            " Just use dir of current file then
            let l:dir = '.'
            " Try the parent dir. Get (h)ead of dir, i.e. remove rightmost dir name from it
            let l:dir = fnamemodify(l:dir, ':h')
    " Makefile is in this dir, so local-cd (only this window) to the dir
    execute "lcd " . l:dir

function! MyQuickfixCmdPost()
    " Get number of valid quickfix entries, i.e. number of errors reported,
    " using filter to check the 'valid' flag
    let l:err_count = len(filter(getqflist(), 'v:val.valid'))

    if l:err_count ==# 0
        " The make succeeded. Execute the Run script expected in the same dir as Makefile
        call system('./Run')

有了这个,在 vim 中输入 :mak 之后,代码就生成了 运行... 有两种可能的结果:

  1. 如果在 make 期间出现错误,vim 将在之后用 Press ENTER or type command to continue 显示这些错误,这很好。
  2. 如果 make 成功且没有错误,则会执行我的 Run 脚本,以测试我的代码(在本例中是浏览器中显示的 html 文件),但是当我切换回 vim 时,我必须按 enter 才能删除来自 vim 的消息,我不需要阅读它,因为它没有告诉我错误。此消息过去看起来像这样:
"includes/m4includes/subs.m4" 34L, 759B written
:!make  2>&1| tee /var/folders/zk/0bsgbxne3pe5c86jsbgdt27f3333yd/T/vkbxFyd/255
m4 -I includes/m4includes page-generator.m4 >html-page/mypage.html
(1 of 1): m4 -I includes/m4includes page-generator.m4 >html-page/mypage.html
Press ENTER or type command to continue

但在 MyQuickfixCmdPost() 中引入 redraw! 现在减少为:

(1 of 1): m4 -I includes/m4includes page-generator.m4 >html-page/mypage.html
Press ENTER or type command to continue

但仍然需要按 enter

我们如何避免在编译成功后每次 return 到 vim 时都必须按 enter?有什么想法吗?

注意:vim 有一个 -silent 命令行选项,但据我所知,这会使所有 Press ENTER 静音,并且这里的目标是仅在 make.


后面加上call feedkeys("\<CR>")即可。需要feedkeys()的地方不多(通常normal!或者类似的命令就可以了),还有细微的效果(仔细看它带的flags)。幸运的是,这是一个有用的地方。