
Assessing which person is the one with the next birthday

在 Stata 中,我试图评估与给定日期相比,给定生日中的哪一个是下一个生日。我的数据如下所示:

例如:一个家庭有两个成年人A和B。A的生日是1977年11月20日,B的生日是1978年3月30日。参考日期是29.11.2020。我想知道谁是下一个生日的人,在上面的例子中是B,因为A在参考日期前一周过生日,所以这个家庭的下一个生日将在30日庆祝2021 年 3 月。


date birth1 birth2 birth3 birth4 birth5 birth6
02feb2021 15jan1974 27nov1985
30nov2020 31aug1945 27jun1999 07apr1997
19nov2020 27sep1993 30dec1996
29jan2021 29mar1973
05dec2020 21jan1976 02oct1976 21jan1976 25may1995 15feb1997
25nov2020 25nov1943 29nov1946
02feb2021 28apr1979

已编辑以说明 2 月 29 日

*date 不是闰年的情况下,编辑会将 2 月 29 日生日的人视为 3 月 1 日。如果这对您的特定用例没有意义,您可以根据需要轻松更改下面的代码。

由于您想要当年的下一个生日而不是最接近的生日,您可以使用 date 的年份和 birth{i} 的月份和日期来为每个人的下一个生日创建一个日期生日。然后你可以简单地从每个家庭中取最早的值。我重塑long,生成一个人和一个家庭id就是为了做这个


set obs 6
set seed 1996
generate date = floor((mdy(12,31,2020)-mdy(12,1,2015)+1)*runiform() + mdy(12,1,2015))
format date %td

forvalue i = 1/6 {
    gen birth`i' = floor((mdy(12,31,1996)-mdy(12,1,1980)+1)*runiform() + mdy(12,1,1980)) if _n < `i' == 0
    format birth`i'  %td

replace birth6 = birth4 in 6 // want a tie
replace birth2 = date("29feb1996","DMY") in 3 // Feb 29


gen household_id = _n
reshape long birth, i(date household_id) j(person)
drop if mi(birth)

gen person_next_birthday = mdy( month(birth), day(birth), year(date))
* TREAT FEB 29 as if they have a march 1 birthday in non-leap years
replace person_next_birthday = mdy(3,1,year(date)) if month(birth) == 2 ///
& day(birth) == 29 & mod(year(date),4)!=0
replace person_next_birthday = mdy( month(birth), day(birth), year(date) + 1) if person_next_birthday < date 
replace person_next_birthday = mdy(3,1,year(date)+1) if month(birth) == 2 ///
& day(birth) == 29 & mod(year(date) + 1,4)!=0 & person_next_birthday < date
format person_next_birthday  %td

bysort household_id  (person_next_birthday): gen next_bday = person_next_birthday[1]
format next_bday %td
drop person_next_birthday

reshape wide birth, i(date household_id next_bday) j(person)

gen next_bday_persons = ""
* Make a string to present household persons who have next bday
foreach v of varlist birth* {
    local person = subinstr("`v'","birth","",.)
    local condition = "month(`v') == month(next_bday) & day(`v') == day(next_bday)"
    local condition_feb29 = "month(next_bday) == 3 & day(next_bday) == 1 & month(`v') == 2 & day(`v') == 29"
    replace next_bday_persons = next_bday_persons + "|`person'" if `condition' | `condition_feb29'
replace next_bday_persons = regexr(next_bday_persons,"^\|","")
order next_bday_persons, after(next_bday)
