为什么 Folium 以单一颜色渲染颜色?
Why does Folium Render colours in a single colour?
警告 - 我是 Folium 的新手,所以任何帮助都将不胜感激......我正在尝试为南美洲创建一个具有国家人口密度的等值线。我有以下数据:
idx id pop_den location
0 AR 16.177 Argentina
1 BO 10.202 Bolivia
2 BR 25.040 Brazil
3 CL 24.282 Chile
4 CO 44.223 Colombia
5 EC 66.939 Ecuador
6 GY 3.952 Guyana
7 PY 17.144 Paraguay
8 PE 25.129 Peru
9 SR 3.612 Suriname
10 UY 19.751 Uruguay
11 VE 36.253 Venezuela
这是要在 geo.json 文件中读取的代码
sa_geojson = geopandas.read_file('continent_South_America_subunits.json')
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature","id":"AR", "properties": { "scalerank": 0, "featurecla": "Admin-0 map subunit", "labelrank": 2.000000, "sovereignt": "Argentina", "sov_a3": "ARG", "adm0_dif": 0.000000, "level": 2.000000, "type": "Sovereign country", "admin": "Argentina", "adm0_a3": "ARG", "geou_dif": 0.000000, "geounit": "Argentina", "gu_a3": "ARG", "su_dif": 0.000000, "subunit": "Argentina", "su_a3": "ARG", "brk_diff": 0.000000, "name": "Argentina", "name_long": "Argentina", "brk_a3": "ARG", "brk_name": "Argentina", "brk_group": "", "abbrev": "Arg.", "postal": "AR", "formal_en": "Argentine Republic", "formal_fr": "", "note_adm0": "", "note_brk": "", "name_sort": "Argentina", "name_alt": "", "mapcolor7": 3.000000, "mapcolor8": 1.000000, "mapcolor9": 3.000000, "mapcolor13": 13.000000, "pop_est": 40913584.000000, "gdp_md_est": 573900.000000, "pop_year": -99.000000, "lastcensus": 2010.000000, "gdp_year": -99.000000, "economy": "5. Emerging region: G20", "income_grp": "3. Upper middle income", "wikipedia": -99.000000, "fips_10": "", "iso_a2": "AR", "iso_a3": "ARG", "iso_n3": "032", "un_a3": "032", "wb_a2": "AR", "wb_a3": "ARG", "woe_id": -99.000000, "adm0_a3_is": "ARG", "adm0_a3_us": "ARG", "adm0_a3_un": -99.000000, "adm0_a3_wb": -99.000000, "continent": "South America", "region_un": "Americas", "subregion": "South America", "region_wb": "Latin America & Caribbean", "name_len": 9.000000, "long_len": 9.000000, "abbrev_len": 4.000000, "tiny": -99.000000, "homepart": 1.000000 }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -68.654124, -54.886244 ], [ -68.654135, -54.886245 ], [ -68.654135, -54.886244 ], [ -68.642343, -54.853653 ], [ -68.641988, -54.799174 ],
这是构建地图和叠加 Choropleth 的代码
## Build the Map for South America
map = flm.Map(location = [-22.5,-56.5], zoom_start = 2.5)
flm.Choropleth (
geo_data = sa_geojson,
name = "choropleth",
date = cvd_tot_sa1,
columns = ["id", "population_density"],
key_on = "feature.id",
fill_color = "YlGn",
fill_opacity = 0.7,
legend_name = "population density",
我已阅读帖子并确保 json 和数据文件中的 id
相同,并检查 json 文件中的纬度和经度是否正确以确保它被映射到正确的位置。
任何建议都会有所帮助 - 提前谢谢
- Python - 3.7.9
- 大叶草 - 0.12.1
您的错误只是一个拼写错误。数据的指定参数名称是 'data'。第一次创建图书馆时,需要学习很多关于数据结构以及如何将其与数据联系起来的知识。你可能已经花了很多时间来解决这个问题,但它肯定会在未来以很好的结果的形式回到你身边。祝你好运!
map = flm.Map(location = [-22.5,-56.5], zoom_start = 2.5)
flm.Choropleth (
geo_data = sa_geojson,
name = "choropleth",
data = cvd_tot_sa1, # date->data
columns = ["id", "population_density"],
key_on = "feature.id",
fill_color = "YlGn",
fill_opacity = 0.7,
legend_name = "population density",
警告 - 我是 Folium 的新手,所以任何帮助都将不胜感激......我正在尝试为南美洲创建一个具有国家人口密度的等值线。我有以下数据:
idx id pop_den location
0 AR 16.177 Argentina
1 BO 10.202 Bolivia
2 BR 25.040 Brazil
3 CL 24.282 Chile
4 CO 44.223 Colombia
5 EC 66.939 Ecuador
6 GY 3.952 Guyana
7 PY 17.144 Paraguay
8 PE 25.129 Peru
9 SR 3.612 Suriname
10 UY 19.751 Uruguay
11 VE 36.253 Venezuela
这是要在 geo.json 文件中读取的代码
sa_geojson = geopandas.read_file('continent_South_America_subunits.json')
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature","id":"AR", "properties": { "scalerank": 0, "featurecla": "Admin-0 map subunit", "labelrank": 2.000000, "sovereignt": "Argentina", "sov_a3": "ARG", "adm0_dif": 0.000000, "level": 2.000000, "type": "Sovereign country", "admin": "Argentina", "adm0_a3": "ARG", "geou_dif": 0.000000, "geounit": "Argentina", "gu_a3": "ARG", "su_dif": 0.000000, "subunit": "Argentina", "su_a3": "ARG", "brk_diff": 0.000000, "name": "Argentina", "name_long": "Argentina", "brk_a3": "ARG", "brk_name": "Argentina", "brk_group": "", "abbrev": "Arg.", "postal": "AR", "formal_en": "Argentine Republic", "formal_fr": "", "note_adm0": "", "note_brk": "", "name_sort": "Argentina", "name_alt": "", "mapcolor7": 3.000000, "mapcolor8": 1.000000, "mapcolor9": 3.000000, "mapcolor13": 13.000000, "pop_est": 40913584.000000, "gdp_md_est": 573900.000000, "pop_year": -99.000000, "lastcensus": 2010.000000, "gdp_year": -99.000000, "economy": "5. Emerging region: G20", "income_grp": "3. Upper middle income", "wikipedia": -99.000000, "fips_10": "", "iso_a2": "AR", "iso_a3": "ARG", "iso_n3": "032", "un_a3": "032", "wb_a2": "AR", "wb_a3": "ARG", "woe_id": -99.000000, "adm0_a3_is": "ARG", "adm0_a3_us": "ARG", "adm0_a3_un": -99.000000, "adm0_a3_wb": -99.000000, "continent": "South America", "region_un": "Americas", "subregion": "South America", "region_wb": "Latin America & Caribbean", "name_len": 9.000000, "long_len": 9.000000, "abbrev_len": 4.000000, "tiny": -99.000000, "homepart": 1.000000 }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -68.654124, -54.886244 ], [ -68.654135, -54.886245 ], [ -68.654135, -54.886244 ], [ -68.642343, -54.853653 ], [ -68.641988, -54.799174 ],
这是构建地图和叠加 Choropleth 的代码
## Build the Map for South America
map = flm.Map(location = [-22.5,-56.5], zoom_start = 2.5)
flm.Choropleth (
geo_data = sa_geojson,
name = "choropleth",
date = cvd_tot_sa1,
columns = ["id", "population_density"],
key_on = "feature.id",
fill_color = "YlGn",
fill_opacity = 0.7,
legend_name = "population density",
它给我的输出是 Output
我已阅读帖子并确保 json 和数据文件中的 id
相同,并检查 json 文件中的纬度和经度是否正确以确保它被映射到正确的位置。
任何建议都会有所帮助 - 提前谢谢
- Python - 3.7.9
- 大叶草 - 0.12.1
您的错误只是一个拼写错误。数据的指定参数名称是 'data'。第一次创建图书馆时,需要学习很多关于数据结构以及如何将其与数据联系起来的知识。你可能已经花了很多时间来解决这个问题,但它肯定会在未来以很好的结果的形式回到你身边。祝你好运!
map = flm.Map(location = [-22.5,-56.5], zoom_start = 2.5)
flm.Choropleth (
geo_data = sa_geojson,
name = "choropleth",
data = cvd_tot_sa1, # date->data
columns = ["id", "population_density"],
key_on = "feature.id",
fill_color = "YlGn",
fill_opacity = 0.7,
legend_name = "population density",