WordPress 自定义查询在前端显示重复结果
Wordpress custom query showing duplicate Results on frontend
我在 woocommerce 网站上进行了自定义搜索查询。
一切看起来都很好。但是当我搜索 sku 编号之类的东西时,出现了两个搜索结果。
示例 -- http://bxcell.iteratemarketing.com/?s=BE0204&post_type=product
add_filter('the_posts', 'woo_custom_fields_query');
function woo_custom_fields_query($posts, $query = false) {
if (is_search()){
$noIds = array(0);
foreach($posts as $post){
$noIds[] = $post->ID;
$mPosts = get_post_by_custom_field(get_search_query(), $noIds);
if ($mPosts){
foreach($mPosts as $product_id){
$posts[] = get_post($product_id->post_id);
return $posts;
return $posts;
function get_post_by_custom_field($qrval, $noIds) {
global $wpdb, $wp_query;
$pstArr = array();
$noIdsQrl = implode(",", $noIds);
$vrvspsts = $wpdb->get_results(
SELECT p.post_parent as post_id FROM $wpdb->posts as p
join $wpdb->postmeta pm
on p.ID = pm.post_id
and pm.meta_value LIKE '%$qrval%'
join $wpdb->postmeta visibility
on p.post_parent = visibility.post_id
and visibility.meta_key = '_visibility'
and visibility.meta_value <> 'hidden'
where 1
AND p.post_parent <> 0
and p.ID not in ($noIdsQrl)
and p.post_status = 'publish'
group by p.post_parent
foreach($vrvspsts as $post){
$noIds[] = $post->post_id;
$noIdsQrl = implode(",", $noIds);
$rglprds = $wpdb->get_results(
"SELECT p.ID as post_id FROM $wpdb->posts as p
join $wpdb->postmeta pm
on p.ID = pm.post_id
AND pm.meta_value LIKE '%$qrval%'
join $wpdb->postmeta visibility
on p.ID = visibility.post_id
and visibility.meta_key = '_visibility'
and visibility.meta_value <> 'hidden'
where 1
and (p.post_parent = 0 or p.post_parent is null)
and p.ID not in ($noIdsQrl)
and p.post_status = 'publish'
group by p.ID
$pstArr = array_merge($vrvspsts, $rglprds);
$wp_query->found_posts += sizeof($pstArr);
return $pstArr;
我认为,你的两个查询逻辑有问题。您从两个结果中得到合并数组中重复的 post id。
$pstArr = array_unique(array_merge($vrvspsts, $rglprds));
我在 woocommerce 网站上进行了自定义搜索查询。 一切看起来都很好。但是当我搜索 sku 编号之类的东西时,出现了两个搜索结果。
示例 -- http://bxcell.iteratemarketing.com/?s=BE0204&post_type=product
add_filter('the_posts', 'woo_custom_fields_query');
function woo_custom_fields_query($posts, $query = false) {
if (is_search()){
$noIds = array(0);
foreach($posts as $post){
$noIds[] = $post->ID;
$mPosts = get_post_by_custom_field(get_search_query(), $noIds);
if ($mPosts){
foreach($mPosts as $product_id){
$posts[] = get_post($product_id->post_id);
return $posts;
return $posts;
function get_post_by_custom_field($qrval, $noIds) {
global $wpdb, $wp_query;
$pstArr = array();
$noIdsQrl = implode(",", $noIds);
$vrvspsts = $wpdb->get_results(
SELECT p.post_parent as post_id FROM $wpdb->posts as p
join $wpdb->postmeta pm
on p.ID = pm.post_id
and pm.meta_value LIKE '%$qrval%'
join $wpdb->postmeta visibility
on p.post_parent = visibility.post_id
and visibility.meta_key = '_visibility'
and visibility.meta_value <> 'hidden'
where 1
AND p.post_parent <> 0
and p.ID not in ($noIdsQrl)
and p.post_status = 'publish'
group by p.post_parent
foreach($vrvspsts as $post){
$noIds[] = $post->post_id;
$noIdsQrl = implode(",", $noIds);
$rglprds = $wpdb->get_results(
"SELECT p.ID as post_id FROM $wpdb->posts as p
join $wpdb->postmeta pm
on p.ID = pm.post_id
AND pm.meta_value LIKE '%$qrval%'
join $wpdb->postmeta visibility
on p.ID = visibility.post_id
and visibility.meta_key = '_visibility'
and visibility.meta_value <> 'hidden'
where 1
and (p.post_parent = 0 or p.post_parent is null)
and p.ID not in ($noIdsQrl)
and p.post_status = 'publish'
group by p.ID
$pstArr = array_merge($vrvspsts, $rglprds);
$wp_query->found_posts += sizeof($pstArr);
return $pstArr;
我认为,你的两个查询逻辑有问题。您从两个结果中得到合并数组中重复的 post id。
$pstArr = array_unique(array_merge($vrvspsts, $rglprds));