如何使用 Python Pyparsing 解析带括号的单词?

How parse words with brackets using Python Pyparsing?



domain:example.com and Welcome to my website


>> parser.parseString("domain:example.com and Welcome to my website")
([(['domain', ':', 'example.com'], {}), 'and Welcome to my website'], {})


word = pp.Word(pp.printables, excludeChars=":")
non_tag = word + ~pp.FollowedBy(":")
# tagged value is two words with a ":"
tag = pp.Group(word + ":" + word)
# one or more non-tag words - use originalTextFor to get back
# a single string, including intervening white space
phrase = pp.originalTextFor(non_tag[1, ...])
parser = (phrase | tag)[...]
free_text_search_res = parser.parseString(filters)


>> parser.parseString("domain:example.com and date:[2012-12-12 TO 2014-12-12] and Welcome to my website")
([(['domain', ':', 'example.com'], {}), 'and', (['date', ':', '[2012-12-12'], {}), 'TO 2014-12-12] and Welcome to my website'], {})

date部分是错误的。我预计 ['date', ':', '[2012-12-12 TO 2014-12-12]']。我哪里做错了?


word = pp.Word(pp.printables, excludeChars=":")
word = ("[" + pp.Word(pp.printables+ " ", excludeChars=":[]") + "]") | word
non_tag = word + ~pp.FollowedBy(":")
# tagged value is two words with a ":"
tag = pp.Group(word + ":" + word)
# one or more non-tag words - use originalTextFor to get back
# a single string, including intervening white space
phrase = pp.originalTextFor(non_tag[1, ...])
parser = (phrase | tag)[...]

# free_text_search_res = parser.parseString(filters)
# tag.parseString("date:[2012-12-12 TO 2014-12-12]")

parser.parseString("domain:example.com and date:[2012-12-12 TO 2014-12-12] and Welcome to my website")


([(['domain', ':', 'example.com'], {}), 'and', (['date', ':', '[', '2012-12-12 TO 2014-12-12', ']'], {}), 'and Welcome to my website'], {})