C++Builder:如何隐藏 UI 中的黄线?

C++Builder: how to hide yellow line in UI?

请帮助 - 如何删除 C++Builder 中的这条黄线:社区版?

在这个舒适的黑暗界面中,它非常让人分心 :) 我用谷歌搜索了这一行,但没有找到.. 并尝试了很多选项,但没有找到这一行.. :(

我不确定您是否可以删除 黄色栏,因为它已集成到代码编辑器中。但是,至少您可以更改它的颜色以更好地与您的深色主题相匹配。

根据 Code Editor 文档:

Change Bars

The left margin of the Code Editor displays a green change bar to indicate lines that have not been changed in the current editing session. A yellow change bar indicates that changes have been made since the last File > Save operation.

You can, however, customize the change bars to display in colors other than the default green and yellow. Select Tools > Options > User Interface > Editor Options > Color. In the Element drop-down menu, select Modified Line then change the foreground and the background colors.