Generate sentences usign streams using scala
我想使用 Stream 生成多个句子。
我现在拥有的是我可以生成 1 个句子。
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println((generateSentence take 1).mkString)
zIYow5ZJn92TjbcKbTvCf vaRNqZs80Fi4LcU7 8izJggPbjz9brbMtWmvo bGK
现在如何将流中的多个句子生成数组(或列表)。 ?
我想将类型更改为 Stream[List[String]]
,但我不知道如何以正确的方式添加生成的内容(它给了我 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.WhosebugError
使用 Stream[List[String]] 代码:
* Generate one sentences between 2 and 25 words
* @return
def generateSentence : Stream[List[String]] = {
def sentences : List[String] = {
sentences.::((generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString) /* This line gave me the Exception Whosebug */
Stream continually sentences
* Generate one word between 2 and 25 char
* @return
def generateWord: Stream[String] = {
def word : String = {
(Random.alphanumeric take between(2, 25)).mkString.concat(" ")
Stream continually word
* Generate one sentences between 2 and 25 words
* @return
def generateSentence : Stream[String] = {
def sentences : String = {
(generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString
Stream continually sentences
/* This one is from the Random library, as it was introduced with 2.13 (so I just backported it into my 2.12)*/
def between(minInclusive: Int, maxExclusive: Int): Int = {
require(minInclusive < maxExclusive, "Invalid bounds")
val difference = maxExclusive - minInclusive
if (difference >= 0) {
Random.nextInt(difference) + minInclusive
} else {
/* The interval size here is greater than Int.MaxValue,
* so the loop will exit with a probability of at least 1/2.
def loop(): Int = {
val n = Random.nextInt()
if (n >= minInclusive && n < maxExclusive) n
else loop()
def sentences : List[String] = {
sentences.::((generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString)
def sentences : List[String] = {
val result = sentences()
result.::((generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString)
def sentences : List[String] = {
generateWord take between(2, 25) toList
我想使用 Stream 生成多个句子。 我现在拥有的是我可以生成 1 个句子。
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println((generateSentence take 1).mkString)
zIYow5ZJn92TjbcKbTvCf vaRNqZs80Fi4LcU7 8izJggPbjz9brbMtWmvo bGK
现在如何将流中的多个句子生成数组(或列表)。 ?
我想将类型更改为 Stream[List[String]]
,但我不知道如何以正确的方式添加生成的内容(它给了我 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.WhosebugError
使用 Stream[List[String]] 代码:
* Generate one sentences between 2 and 25 words
* @return
def generateSentence : Stream[List[String]] = {
def sentences : List[String] = {
sentences.::((generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString) /* This line gave me the Exception Whosebug */
Stream continually sentences
* Generate one word between 2 and 25 char
* @return
def generateWord: Stream[String] = {
def word : String = {
(Random.alphanumeric take between(2, 25)).mkString.concat(" ")
Stream continually word
* Generate one sentences between 2 and 25 words
* @return
def generateSentence : Stream[String] = {
def sentences : String = {
(generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString
Stream continually sentences
/* This one is from the Random library, as it was introduced with 2.13 (so I just backported it into my 2.12)*/
def between(minInclusive: Int, maxExclusive: Int): Int = {
require(minInclusive < maxExclusive, "Invalid bounds")
val difference = maxExclusive - minInclusive
if (difference >= 0) {
Random.nextInt(difference) + minInclusive
} else {
/* The interval size here is greater than Int.MaxValue,
* so the loop will exit with a probability of at least 1/2.
def loop(): Int = {
val n = Random.nextInt()
if (n >= minInclusive && n < maxExclusive) n
else loop()
def sentences : List[String] = {
sentences.::((generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString)
def sentences : List[String] = {
val result = sentences()
result.::((generateWord take between(2, 25)).mkString)
def sentences : List[String] = {
generateWord take between(2, 25) toList