将图像旋转 90° 时,如何阻止 PIL 交换 height/width?

How do I stop PIL from swapping height/width when rotating an image 90°?

我正在使用 PIL 旋转图像。这通常有效,除非我将图像恰好旋转 90° 或 270°,在这种情况下 x 和 y 测量值交换。也就是说,给定这张图片:

>>> img.size
(93, 64)

如果我将它旋转 89°,我会得到:

>>> img.rotate(89).size
(93, 64)

然后 91° 我明白了:

>>> img.rotate(91).size
(93, 64)

但是如果我将它旋转 90° 或 270°,我会找到高度和宽度 交换:

>>> img.rotate(90).size
(64, 93)
>>> img.rotate(270).size
(64, 93)



img = Image.open('myimage.pbm')

frames = []
for angle in range(0, 365, 5):
    # rotate the image with expand=True, which makes the canvas
    # large enough to contain the entire rotated image.
    x = img.rotate(angle, expand=True)

    # crop the rotated image to the size of the original image
    x = x.crop(box=(x.size[0]/2 - img.size[0]/2,
               x.size[1]/2 - img.size[1]/2,
               x.size[0]/2 + img.size[0]/2,
               x.size[1]/2 + img.size[1]/2))

    # do stuff with the rotated image here.

对于 90° 和 270° 以外的角度,这会导致相同的行为 如果你设置 expand=False 并且不理会 crop 操作。