TexMaker 中的列表格式不一致

Inconsistent list formatting in TexMaker

列表中任何项目的名称(在括号中)有 <=2 个字符的项目,描述与名称放在同一行。我正在寻找一种方法来实现所有描述都在下一行缩进,谢谢。


%% Layout Alteration
%% --------------------------
            enumitem,           % indented items for glossary
            framed,             % nice boxes; used in Supervisor's Approval
            geometry,           % change the margins for specific PAGES
\geometry{                      % specify page size options for (geometry)
            a4paper,            % paper size
            margin=1in,         % specified independently with hmargin vmargin

% Hides the formatting for the glossary


    \item[Uvic] University of Victoria
    \item[2-FSK] 2 tone Frequency Shift Keying
    \item[Core blocks] The pre installed modules and blocks in Gnuradio
    \item[CSA] Canadian Space Agency
    \item[CubeSat] A miniaturized space satellite for research
    \item[DSP] Digital Signal Processor
    \item[FM] Frequency Modulation
    \item[FPGA] Field-Programmable Gate Array
    \item[FSK] Frequency Shift Keying
    \item[GFSK] Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
    \item[GNU Radio] A DSP and SDR creation software
    \item[GPIO] General Purpose Input/Output
    \item[GRC] GNU Radio Companion, GUI interface for GNU Radio
    \item[gr\_modtool] A script that simplifies the process of creating OOT Modules
    \item[GUI] Graphical User Interface
    \item[IO] Input/Output
    \item[OS] Operating System
    \item[OOT Module] Out-of-tree Module
    \item[PDU] Protocol Data Unit, A PMT that is a pair of a dictionary and a uniform vector type
    \item[PMT] Polymorphic Type, An opaque data type designed as generic containers of data that can be safely passed between blocks in Gnuradio


"FM", "IO, and "OS" names all have their descriptions on the same line


\item[] \textbf{#1} \newline \hspace*{.5cm} #2}


    \myitem{Uvic} University of Victoria
    \myitem{2-FSK} 2 tone Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{Core blocks} The pre installed modules and blocks in Gnuradio
    \myitem{CSA} Canadian Space Agency
    \myitem{CubeSat} A miniaturized space satellite for research
    \myitem{DSP} Digital Signal Processor
    \myitem{FM} Frequency Modulation
    \myitem{FPGA} Field-Programmable Gate Array
    \myitem{FSK} Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{GFSK} Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{GNU Radio} A DSP and SDR creation software
    \myitem{GPIO} General Purpose Input/Output
    \myitem{GRC} GNU Radio Companion, GUI interface for GNU Radio
    \myitem{gr\_modtool} A script that simplifies the process of creating OOT Modules
    \myitem{GUI} Graphical User Interface
    \myitem{IO} Input/Output
    \myitem{OS} Operating System
    \myitem{OOT Module} Out-of-tree Module
    \myitem{PDU} Protocol Data Unit, A PMT that is a pair of a dictionary and a uniform vector type
    \myitem{PMT} Polymorphic Type, An opaque data type designed as generic containers of data that can be safely passed between blocks in Gnuradio



    \item[GUI] Graphical User Interface
    \item[IO\phantom{XYZ}] Input/Output
    \item[OS\phantom{XYZ}] Operating System
