更改 WebPack Chunk 的 chunk entry-module\deferred-modules | Angular 构建器 WebPack 插件

Change the chunk entry-module\deferred-modules of WebPack Chunk | Angular Builders WebPack Plugin

我正在编写一个带有一些 WebPack 插件的 Angular 构建器,我遇到的问题是构建后我的块包括如下自执行子模块:==> [[0, "运行时间"]]]);

(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["chunk-name"],{
    0: (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__("chunk1-main-module");
    "chunk1-main-module": (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        //... exports of main modules...
    "other-modules": (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        //... exports of main module...
},[[0, "runtime"]]]);

在所有情况下,我都需要从延迟模块列表中删除运行时块,使其看起来像这样 ==> [[0]]]);

此外,下面的代码能够通过 selfExecute 标记使块不可自执行,如果它是 true,则将 chunk.entryModule 分配给 undefined。

export class ChunkIdPlugin {
    constructor(private selfExecute: boolean = false) { }

    public apply = (compiler: Compiler): void =>
        compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("ChunkIdPlugin", this.beforeChunkIds);

    private beforeChunkIds = (compilation: compilation.Compilation): void =>
        compilation.hooks.beforeChunkIds.tap("ChunkIdPlugin", this.iterateChunks);

    private iterateChunks = (chunks: compilation.Chunk[]): void => {
        const chunk = chunks.find(_ => _.name === 'main');
        if (!chunk) return;
        chunk.id = this.chunkId as any;

        // If scenario demand that chunk doesn't self-execute assign the chunk.entryModule to undefined
        (!this.selfExecute || chunk._groups.size < 1) && (chunk.entryModule = undefined);

        // Loop through chunks and remove runtime chunk from compilation
        for (let group of chunk._groups) {
            const chunk = group.chunks.find(_ => _.name === 'runtime');
        if (chunk) { chunk.remove(); break; }

在运行此插件在需要自执行的多个块上后,WebPack 运行时将有多个 id 为“0”的块,这将导致冲突。

所以我的问题是如何修改这个插件使延迟模块指向特定的子模块而不是“0”以避免冲突,如下所示:注意最后一行==>},[[“ chunk1-main-module"]]]);而不是“0”

(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["chunk-name"],{
    0: (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__("chunk1-main-module");
    "chunk1-main-module": (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        //... exports of main module...

感谢以下 WebPack 插件的代码,我找到了解决问题的更好方法 webpack-remove-empty-js-chunks-plugin

我正在删除运行时 ==> [[0, "runtime"]]]);通过迭代 chunk._groups 从延迟模块中找到运行时块。这有助于将其从延迟模块列表中删除,但不会删除实际的运行时块。我曾经从 dist-folder post-build.



import { Compiler, compilation } from "webpack";

export class RuntimeRemoverPlugin {
    constructor() { }

    public apply = (compiler: Compiler): void =>
        compiler.hooks.emit.tap("RuntimeRemoverPlugin", this.onEmit);

    private onEmit = (compilation: compilation.Compilation): void => {
        compilation.chunks.splice(compilation.chunks.findIndex(_ => _.id === 'runtime' || _.name === 'runtime'), 1);
            .filter(_ => _.startsWith('runtime'))
            .forEach(_ => delete compilation.assets[_]);


import { compilation, Compiler } from "webpack";

export class PostModuleIdPlugin {
    constructor(private chunkId: string) { }

    public apply = (compiler: Compiler): void =>
        compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("PostModuleIdPlugin", this.afterModuleIds);

    private afterModuleIds = (compilation: compilation.Compilation): void =>
        compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeModuleIds.tap("PostModuleIdPlugin", this.iterateModules);

    private iterateModules = (modules: compilation.Module[]): void => {
        modules.forEach((_module: compilation.Module) => {
            if (_module.id === 0) _module.id = `${this.chunkId}__entry`;


(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["chunk_name"], {
    "chunk_name__module-a": (function (module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
    "chunk_name__entry": (function (module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__("chunk_name__module-a");
}, [["chunk_name__entry"]]]);

想要分享答案,因为很难在网上找到 WebPack 解决方案。
