Python Pandas xlsxriter 堆叠折线图类型设置标准折线图 in Excel

Python Pandas xlsxriter stacked line chart type setting standard line chart in Excel

我正在尝试使用 pandas 和 xlsxwriter 在 excel 中创建堆叠折线图。

当在添加图表中输入图表类型 dict 时,我使用文档说明应该在 Excel 中配置堆叠线。 (所以我想反正!)当我打开 Excel 我得到一个标准折线图,这意味着我需要手动更改为堆叠线(第二个跨框)


import pandas as pd

# example csv data
Date-Time   col1    col2
2021-03-01 00:00:00 34329   34540
2021-03-01 00:15:00 34174   34369
2021-03-01 00:30:00 34121   34418
2021-03-01 00:45:00 34012   34235
2021-03-01 01:00:00 33959   34273
2021-03-01 01:15:00 33825   34049
2021-03-01 01:30:00 33782   34010
2021-03-01 01:45:00 33584   33882
2021-03-01 02:00:00 33601   33905
2021-03-01 02:15:00 33415   33746
2021-03-01 02:30:00 33412   33827
2021-03-01 02:45:00 33291   33744
2021-03-01 03:00:00 33329   33816
2021-03-01 03:15:00 33209   33745
2021-03-01 03:30:00 33219   33833

# create df
with open('example.csv', 'r') as csv:
    df = pd.read_csv(csv).set_index('Date-Time')

# Create the workbook to save the data within
workbook = pd.ExcelWriter('example.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')

# Create sheets in excel for data
pd.DataFrame().to_excel(workbook, sheet_name='Dashboard')

# assign a blank dashboard for the charts
worksheet_dashboard = workbook.sheets['Dashboard']

# Get the xlsxwriter objects from the dataframe writer object
# for use with creating charts later
book =

# Create sheets in excel for data
df.to_excel(workbook, sheet_name='example')

# Add the line chart objects
chart = book.add_chart({'type': 'line', 'subtype': 'stacked'})

# Configure the first series.
    'name':       '=example!$B',
    'categories': '=example!$A:$A',
    'values':     '=example!$B:$B',
    'name':       '=example!$C',
    'categories': '=example!$A:$A',
    'values':     '=example!$C:$C',

# Insert the chart into the worksheet 
worksheet_dashboard.insert_chart('A1', chart)


# Add the line chart objects
chart = book.add_chart({'type': 'line', 'subtype': 'stacked'})

应该提供 line 类型和 stacked 子类型,以前有人遇到过这个问题吗?


代码应该按预期运行。这是我 运行 时的输出:

请注意,在 XlsxWriter version 1.2.9 中添加了堆叠线支持,因此请确保您拥有该版本或更高版本。