有没有办法在查看器中使用 BoxSelection 扩展启用部分选择

Is there a way to enable partial selection using the BoxSelection extension in the viewer

我们正在使用自定义扩展来处理 window 根据此博客 post 中的步骤在 Forge 查看器中进行的选择:https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/custom-window-selection-forge-viewer-part-iii

我们可以在该扩展程序上设置 'partial selection' 模式。有没有办法使用 v7.32 中添加的新 BoxSelection 扩展来做到这一点?

添加了扩展名为 Autodesk.BoxSelection 的新选项: 使用几何交集


async function enableGeomtricBoxSelection() {
    // unload the extension, which was loaded with geometric selection turned off
    // reload the extension with geometric selection turned on
    ext = await viewer.loadExtension('Autodesk.BoxSelection', {
        useGeometricIntersection: true
    // Display the toolbar button (optional) in the toolbar. You can invoke box 
    // selection by holding cmd(mac) / ctrl(windows) + mouse drag
