登录前在阿尔卡特 CLI 上显示一条消息

Display a message on Alcatel CLI before login

我想知道是否有办法在连接到阿尔卡特交换机时在要求输入登录名和密码之前在 CLI 上显示一条消息。

我这样做是因为我想为每个交换机设置一个自定义 ID,并且无需登录即可知道该 ID。




Modifying the Text Display Before Login

By default, the switch does not display any text before the login prompt for any CLI session.

At initial bootup, the switch creates a pre_banner.txt file in the /flash/switch directory. The file is empty and may be edited to include text that you want to display before the login prompt.


Please supply your user name and password at the prompts.

login : user123
password :


我在一个开关的说明书里面给你找了一些资料: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/207427/Alcatel-Lucent-Omniswitch-6850-48.html?page=82

The Login Banner feature allows you to change the banner that displays whenever someone logs into the switch. This feature can be used to display messages about user authorization and security

Two steps are required to change the login banner. These steps are listed here:

  • Create a text file that contains the banner you want to display in the switch's /flash/switch directory.
  • Enable the text file by entering the session banner CLI command followed by the filename


If you want the login banner in the text file to apply to FTP switch sessions, execute the following CLI command where the text filename is firstbanner.txt.-> session banner ftp /flash/switch/firstbanner.txt

If you want the login banner in the text file to apply to CLI switch sessions, execute the following CLI command where the text filename is secondbanner.txt.-> session banner cli /flash/switch/secondbanner.txt

您必须在切换目录中创建 pre_banner.txt 文件。这应该可以解决您的问题