Xunit 完整的命令行选项列表

Xunit Complete List of Command Line Options

是否有人有完整的命令行选项列表,用于从控制台进行 运行ning Xunit 测试?

我有大约 100 个测试,假设分成 10 个独立的 classes,每个 class 有 10 个测试

Class1 测试1 测试2 ...

Class2 测试1 测试2 ...


我可以通过导航到我的测试目录并使用 'dotnet test' 来触发 运行 所有这些测试。 我发现文档说 -?显示所有命令行选项(但这显然不是完整列表)https://livebook.manning.com/book/dotnet-core-in-action/appendix-b/4

官方文档https://xunit.net/docs/running-tests-in-parallel 说我可以使用例如“-parallel all”但是当它 运行

dotnet 测试 - 全部并行


\repos\test-automation-framework\framework>dotnet 测试 - 并行所有 MSBUILD:错误 MSB1001:未知开关。 开关:-parallel

对于开关语法,键入“MSBuild -help”

我想进入一个阶段,我可以 运行 我的所有测试并行,但将线程数限制为 6,所以我将 运行 我的整个测试套件,一次 6 个测试。


如果我没有正确理解你的问题,你想将一些命令行参数传递给 Xunit。但是当你 运行 dotnet test 它实际上将参数应​​用于 dotnet 命令。

您可以使用 configuration files 来启用并行化和其他功能。


    "parallelizeAssembly": true

您提到的论点(例如 --parallel)确实存在,但不在 dotnet 上下文中。您可以使用 console 运行ner 手动 运行 Xunit。它作为 xunit 存储库的一部分存在于 NuGet and on GitHub 中。


$ .\xunit.console.exe
xUnit.net Console Runner v2.4.1 (64-bit Desktop .NET 4.6.1, runtime: 4.0.30319.42000)
Copyright (C) .NET Foundation.

usage: xunit.console <assemblyFile> [configFile] [assemblyFile [configFile]...] [options] [reporter] [resultFormat filename [...]]

Note: Configuration files must end in .json (for JSON) or .config (for XML)

Valid options:
  -nologo                : do not show the copyright message
  -nocolor               : do not output results with colors
  -failskips             : convert skipped tests into failures
  -stoponfail            : stop on first test failure
  -parallel option       : set parallelization based on option
                         :   none        - turn off all parallelization
                         :   collections - only parallelize collections
                         :   assemblies  - only parallelize assemblies
                         :   all         - parallelize assemblies & collections
  -maxthreads count      : maximum thread count for collection parallelization
                         :   default   - run with default (1 thread per CPU thread)
                         :   unlimited - run with unbounded thread count
                         :   (number)  - limit task thread pool size to 'count'
  -appdomains mode       : choose an app domain mode
                         :   ifavailable - choose based on library type
                         :   required    - force app domains on
                         :   denied      - force app domains off
  -noshadow              : do not shadow copy assemblies
  -wait                  : wait for input after completion
  -diagnostics           : enable diagnostics messages for all test assemblies
  -internaldiagnostics   : enable internal diagnostics messages for all test assemblies
  -debug                 : launch the debugger to debug the tests
  -serialize             : serialize all test cases (for diagnostic purposes only)
  -trait "name=value"    : only run tests with matching name/value traits
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an OR operation
  -notrait "name=value"  : do not run tests with matching name/value traits
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an AND operation
  -method "name"         : run a given test method (can be fully specified or use a wildcard;
                         : i.e., 'MyNamespace.MyClass.MyTestMethod' or '*.MyTestMethod')
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an OR operation
  -nomethod "name"       : do not run a given test method (can be fully specified or use a wildcard;
                         : i.e., 'MyNamespace.MyClass.MyTestMethod' or '*.MyTestMethod')
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an AND operation
  -class "name"          : run all methods in a given test class (should be fully
                         : specified; i.e., 'MyNamespace.MyClass')
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an OR operation
  -noclass "name"        : do not run any methods in a given test class (should be fully
                         : specified; i.e., 'MyNamespace.MyClass')
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an AND operation
  -namespace "name"      : run all methods in a given namespace (i.e.,
                         : 'MyNamespace.MySubNamespace')
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an OR operation
  -nonamespace "name"    : do not run any methods in a given namespace (i.e.,
                         : 'MyNamespace.MySubNamespace')
                         : if specified more than once, acts as an AND operation
  -noautoreporters       : do not allow reporters to be auto-enabled by environment
                         : (for example, auto-detecting TeamCity or AppVeyor)

Reporters: (optional, choose only one)
  -appveyor              : forces AppVeyor CI mode (normally auto-detected)
  -json                  : show progress messages in JSON format
  -quiet                 : do not show progress messages
  -teamcity              : forces TeamCity mode (normally auto-detected)
  -verbose               : show verbose progress messages
  -vsts                  : forces VSTS CI mode (normally auto-detected)

Result formats: (optional, choose one or more)
  -xml <filename>        : output results to xUnit.net v2 XML file
  -xmlv1 <filename>      : output results to xUnit.net v1 XML file
  -html <filename>       : output results to HTML file
  -nunit <filename>      : output results to NUnit v2.5 XML file
  -junit <filename>      : output results to JUnit XML file