为什么 x[i]=if 比 if... x[i]= 快

Why is x[i]=if faster than if... x[i]=


[see assembly]

void maxArray(double* x, double* y) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
        x[i] = ((y[i] > x[i]) ? y[i] : x[i]);


[see assembly]

void maxArray(double* x, double* y) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
        if (y[i] > x[i]) x[i] = y[i];


inline double fn(double a, double b) {
    if (a > b) {
        return a;
    } else {
        return b;
void maxArray(double* x, double* y) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
        x[i] = fn(y[i], x[i]);

[see assembly]

我明白了。第一个是设置x[i]为条件,中间是有条件设置x[i]。两者都有条件,所以两者都有分支?是因为后者的扩展 if 语句被优化为 vector assembly max 命令,而前者由于某种原因未被识别为 max 函数?

gcc 10.3 x86_64 -Ofast -march=native


# x[i] = ((y[i] > x[i]) ? y[i] : x[i])

vmovupd ymm1, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax
vmaxpd  ymm0, ymm1, YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax]
vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax], ymm0


# if (y[i] > x[i]) x[i] = y[i];

vmovupd  ymm0, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax]
vcmppd   k1, ymm0, YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax], 14
kortestb k1, k1
je       .L3
vmovupd  YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax]{k1}, ymm0

正如您在第一个片段中看到的,编译器使用了 VMAXPD specialized instruction to compute the maximum of two double precision floating point values, without branching. In the second snippet though, there is a compare (VCMPPD) followed by a test (KORTESTB) and a branch (JE).