
Propagated Solution of Lambert Solver Leads to Wrong Orbit

请原谅标题的长度,但这是一个非常具体的问题。我目前正在模拟在 2022 年发射时向火星发射火箭 window,我注意到我的火箭离火星很远,尽管它的飞行方向是正确的。在简化我的代码以缩小问题范围后,我简单地绘制了地球和火星的轨道(使用来自 NASA 的 SPICE 库的数据)并传播了我实现的兰伯特求解器给我的位置和速度(通用变量)来绘制火箭的最终轨道。

我只是让太阳的引力影响火箭,而不是地球或火星,以尽量减少我的问题 space。然而,尽管我到目前为止已经简化了我的问题,但火星和我的火箭轨道之间的交叉点在飞行时间模拟之前就已经发生了一路,并且两个物体之间的最小距离超过一百万公里所有时间。

话虽这么说,但我找不到问题所在。我通过将它与 Dario Izzo 的方法进行比较来确保我复制的 lambert 求解器代码是正确的,并且两者都给出了相同的结果。此外,我还通过传播火星和地球的轨道并将这些椭圆与来自 SPICE 的数据进行比较来检查我的轨道传播器是否正常工作。

总而言之,我认为这一定是我在某处犯下的一个愚蠢的小错误,但由于我缺乏这方面的经验而找不到。感谢您的任何帮助! :)


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
import math
import spiceypy as spice

# Physics
G = 6.6741e-11

class Entity:
    def __init__(self, x, v, m, do_gravity):
        self.x = x
        self.v = v
        self.a = np.array([0,0,0])
        self.m = m
        self.do_gravity = do_gravity

    def apply_force(self, f):
        self.a = np.add(self.a, f / self.m);

    def step(self, dt):
        self.v = np.add(self.v, self.a * dt)
        self.x = np.add(self.x, self.v * dt)
        self.a = np.array([0,0,0])

class StaticEntity(Entity):
    def __init__(self, body, t, do_gravity):
        super().__init__(self.get_state(body, t)[:3], self.get_state(body, t)[3:], self.get_mass(body), do_gravity)
        self.body = body
        self.t = t

    def step(self, dt):
        self.t += dt
        state = self.get_state(self.body, self.t)
        self.x = state[:3]
        self.v = state[3:]

    def get_state(self, body, t):
        [state, lt] = spice.spkezr(body, t, "J2000", "NONE", "SSB")
        return state * 1000

    def get_mass(self, body):
        [dim, gm] = spice.bodvrd(body, "GM", 1)
        return gm * 1e9 / G

    def get_position(self, t):
        return self.get_state(self.body, t)[:3]

    def get_velocity(self, t):
        return self.get_state(self.body, t)[3:]

class Propagator:
    def __init__(self, entities):
        self.entities = entities

    def step(self, dt):
        for e1 in self.entities:
            for e2 in self.entities:
                if (e1 is e2) or (not e1.do_gravity) or isinstance(e2, StaticEntity):

                diff = np.subtract(e1.x, e2.x)
                fg = G * e1.m * e2.m / np.dot(diff, diff)
                force = fg * diff / np.linalg.norm(diff)


        for entity in self.entities:

# Lambert solver

def C2(psi):
    if psi >= 0.0:
        sp = math.sqrt(psi)
        return (1 - math.cos(sp)) / psi
        sp = math.sqrt(-psi)
        return (1 - math.cosh(sp)) / psi

def C3(psi):
    if psi >= 0.0:
        sp = math.sqrt(psi)
        return (sp - math.sin(sp)) / (psi * sp)
        sp = math.sqrt(-psi)
        return (sp - math.sinh(sp)) / (psi * sp)

def lambert_solve(r1, r2, tof, mu, iterations, tolerance):
    R1 = np.linalg.norm(r1)
    R2 = np.linalg.norm(r2)

    cos_a = np.dot(r1, r2) / (R1 * R2)
    A = math.sqrt(R1 * R2 * (1.0 + cos_a))

    sqrt_mu = math.sqrt(mu)

    if A == 0.0:
        return None

    psi = 0.0
    psi_lower = -4.0 * math.pi * math.pi
    psi_upper =  4.0 * math.pi * math.pi

    c2 = 1.0 / 2.0
    c3 = 1.0 / 6.0

    for i in range(iterations):
        B = R1 + R2 + A * (psi * c3 - 1.0) / math.sqrt(c2)

        if A > 0.0 and B < 0.0:
            psi_lower += math.pi
            B = -B

        chi = math.sqrt(B / c2)
        chi3 = chi * chi * chi

        tof_new = (chi3 * c3 + A * math.sqrt(B)) / sqrt_mu

        if math.fabs(tof_new - tof) < tolerance:
            f = 1.0 - B / R1
            g = A * math.sqrt(B / mu)
            g_dot = 1.0 - B / R2

            v1 = (r2 - f * r1) / g
            v2 = (g_dot * r2 - r1) / g

            return (v1, v2)

        if tof_new <= tof:
            psi_lower = psi
            psi_upper = psi

        psi = (psi_lower + psi_upper) * 0.5
        c2 = C2(psi)
        c3 = C3(psi)

    return None

# Set up solar system

inject_time = spice.str2et('2022 Sep 28 00:00:00')
exit_time = spice.str2et('2023 Jun 1 00:00:00')

sun   = StaticEntity("Sun",             inject_time, True)
earth = StaticEntity("Earth",           inject_time, False)
mars  = StaticEntity("Mars Barycenter", inject_time, False)

(v1, v2) = lambert_solve(earth.get_position(inject_time), mars.get_position(exit_time), exit_time - inject_time, G * sun.m, 1000, 1e-4)
rocket = Entity(earth.x, v1, 100000, False)

propagator = Propagator([sun, earth, mars, rocket])

# Generate data
earth_pos  = [[], [], []]
mars_pos   = [[], [], []]
rocket_pos = [[], [], []]

t = inject_time
dt = 3600 # seconds

while t < exit_time:




    t += dt

# Plot data

plt.title('Transfer orbit')
plt.plot(earth_pos[0], earth_pos[1], color='blue')
plt.plot(mars_pos[0], mars_pos[1], color='orange')
plt.plot(rocket_pos[0], rocket_pos[1], color='green')


我最近改造了我的代码,以便它使用轨道 class 来表示实体。这实际上给了我可以接受的结果,即使代码在理论上没有做任何不同的事情(据我所知;显然一定有不同)

def norm(a):
    return np.dot(a, a)**0.5

def fabs(a):
    return -a if a < 0 else a 

def newton_raphson(f, f_dot, x0, n):
    res = x0

    for i in range(n):
        res = res - f(res) / f_dot(res)

    return res

def get_ephemeris(body, time):
    state, _ = sp.spkezr(body, time, "J2000", "NONE", "SSB")
    return np.array(state[:3]) * ap.units.km, np.array(state[3:]) * ap.units.km / ap.units.s

def get_mu(body):
    _, mu = sp.bodvrd(body, "GM", 1)
    return mu * ap.units.km**3 / ap.units.s**2

class orbit:
    def __init__(self, position, velocity, mu):
        self.position = position
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.mu = mu

    def from_body(name, center, time):
        return static_orbit(name, center, time)

    def get_ephemerides(self, t, dt):
        time = 0
        positions = []
        velocities = []
        #M = self.M
        position = self.position
        velocity = self.velocity

        delta_t = dt * ap.units.s
        t1 = t * ap.units.s

        while time < t1:
            g = self.mu / np.dot(position, position)
            g_vec = g * -position / norm(position)
            velocity = np.add(velocity, g_vec * delta_t)
            position = np.add(position, velocity * delta_t)


            time = time + delta_t

        return positions, velocities

class static_orbit(orbit):
    def __init__(self, name, center, time):
        p, v = get_ephemeris(name, time)
        pc, vc = get_ephemeris(center, time)

        super().__init__(p - pc, v - vc, get_mu(center))

        self.name = name
        self.center = center
        self.time = time

    def get_ephemerides(self, t, dt):
        time = 0
        positions = []
        velocities = []

        while time < t:
            p, v = get_ephemeris(self.name, time + self.time)
            pc, vc = get_ephemeris(self.center, time + self.time)

            positions.append(p - pc)
            velocities.append(v - vc)

            time += dt

        return positions, velocities


t1 = sp.str2et('2022 Sep 28 00:00:00')
t2 = sp.str2et('2023 Jun 10 00:00:00')

eo = orbit.from_body("Earth", "Sun", t1)
mo = orbit.from_body("Mars Barycenter", "Sun", t1)

earth_x, earth_v = eo.get_ephemerides(t2 - t1, 3600)
mars_x, mars_v = mo.get_ephemerides(t2 - t1, 3600)

l = lambert(earth_x[0], mars_x[-1], t2 - t1, get_mu("Sun"), 1000, 1e-6)

ro = orbit(earth_x[0], l.v1, get_mu("Sun"))

rocket_x, rocket_v = ro.get_ephemerides(t2 - t1, 60)

earth_x = np.array(earth_x)
mars_x = np.array(mars_x)
rocket_x = np.array(rocket_x)

fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=earth_x[:,0], y=earth_x[:,1], z=earth_x[:,2], marker_size=1, marker_color='blue'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=mars_x[:,0], y=mars_x[:,1], z=mars_x[:,2], marker_size=1, marker_color='orange'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=rocket_x[:,0], y=rocket_x[:,1], z=rocket_x[:,2], marker_size=1, marker_color='green'))



于是,我百思不得其解,终于弄明白问题出在哪里了。我根本没有考虑到太阳不在我的坐标系中的 (0,0,0)。我认为这可以忽略不计,但这就是造成差异的原因。最后,我只是将地球和火星以及太阳的位置向量之间的差异传递给了 Lambert 求解器。这终于给了我想要的结果。

