如何以正确的方式将 KeyPair 放入 KeyStore? (以编程方式在 Java 中)

How to put a KeyPair into a KeyStore the right way? (programmatically in Java)

最好展示我的问题并在之后解释它(我正在使用 KeyStore Explorer 来查看我的 .pfx 文件):


更准确地说:KeyStore 应在一个条目中包含私钥和证书链 (KeyPair)。

我无法在 java 中使用它。这是我试图在左边得到的结果: 下面代码的问题是,它没有验证证书并将它们添加为受信任的证书。

     * Creates and returns a new {@link KeyStore} from the provided information.
     * @param keystoreType The {@link KeyStore}s type. Recommended: "pkcs12".
     *                     Check {@link KeyStore#getInstance(String)} for details.
     * @param passwordAsCharArray Password to encrypt this {@link KeyStore} and its keys.
     * @param certificateChain The certificate chain is simply an array of {@link X509Certificate}s.
     * @param privateKey The {@link PrivateKey}.
     * @param publicKey The {@link PublicKey}.
     * @throws KeyStoreException
    public KeyStore buildAndGetKeystore(String keystoreType, char[] passwordAsCharArray,
                                        X509Certificate[] certificateChain, PrivateKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey)
            throws KeyStoreException, CertificateException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, EmptyStringException, EmptyCharArrayException, EmptyCertificateChainException {

        // Check for null parameters

        // Check for empty parameters
        if (keystoreType.isEmpty()) throw new EmptyStringException("Parameter 'keystoreType' should NOT be empty!");
        if (passwordAsCharArray.length==0) throw new EmptyCharArrayException("Parameter 'passwordAsCharArray' should NOT be empty!");
        if (certificateChain.length==0) throw new EmptyCertificateChainException("Parameter 'certificateChain' should NOT be empty!");

        // Initialise a new keystore
        KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
        keystore.load(null, passwordAsCharArray); // Pass null to tell java this is a new keystore

        // Insert certificates
        for (int i = 0; i < certificateChain.length; i++) {
            keystore.setCertificateEntry(""+i, certificateChain[i]);

        // Write private key (with password protection) to keystore.
        // NOTE: I tried this before and it only writes 
        // the private key to the .pfx file and ignores the domain chain
        //keystore.setKeyEntry("sso-signing-key", privateKey, passwordAsCharArray, certificateChain);

        return keystore;


右边的 KeyStore 是这样创建的:首先在 sslforfree.com 生成证书,然后使用 https://decoder.link/converter

将它们转换为 PKCS12 KeyStore


X509Certificate[] certificateChain = new X509Certificate[3];
certificateChain[0] = topCertificate;
certificateChain[1] = middleCertificate;
certificateChain[2] = rootCertificate;

密钥库创建部分就像这样简单(我省略了“notNull 检查”):

KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
keystore.setKeyEntry("use_your_own_alias", privateKey, passwordAsCharArray, certificateChain);
return keystore;

请注意,公钥 不是 存储过程的一部分,因为它可用于


在 KeyStoreExplorer 中检查密钥库(我使用的是 PKCS12 密钥库)会得到以下输出:


你们不会相信这个,但是...问题是别名'priv-key'。刚刚删除了连字符 '-' 并将别名更改为 'myKey' 就像 中那样,瞧,它起作用了...... 为这种愚蠢的事情浪费了这么多时间...