为什么在 ZStack 中更改图像的 contentMode 时文本会扩展?
Why does Text expand when changing contentMode of an Image inside a ZStack?
我有一个 SwiftUI 视图,如下所示:
@State var showFullScreen: Bool = false
ZStack {
Image(uiImage: image)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: showFullscreen ? .fill : .fit)
.padding(showFullscreen ? 0 : 16)
VStack {
Label("{switchViewsMessage}".localized(), systemImage: "hand.point.up.left.fill")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
.onTapGesture { withAnimation { showFullscreen.toggle() } }
当 State
设置为 showFullScreen = false
时,一切看起来都符合预期。但是,当将 showFullScreen
设置为 true
时,图像会变为 .fill
Is there any way I can still allow the Image to expand while the Text can only fill the available Screen Space?
改为使用以下架构 - 通过将每个图像和文本放在自己的 space 中来分隔图像和文本:图像在背景中,文本在叠加层中,例如
Color.clear // << fills screen space (taking into account safe area
... your image here
VStack {
... your text here
.onTapGesture { withAnimation { showFullScreen.toggle() } }
我有一个 SwiftUI 视图,如下所示:
@State var showFullScreen: Bool = false
ZStack {
Image(uiImage: image)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: showFullscreen ? .fill : .fit)
.padding(showFullscreen ? 0 : 16)
VStack {
Label("{switchViewsMessage}".localized(), systemImage: "hand.point.up.left.fill")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
.onTapGesture { withAnimation { showFullscreen.toggle() } }
当 State
设置为 showFullScreen = false
时,一切看起来都符合预期。但是,当将 showFullScreen
设置为 true
时,图像会变为 .fill
Is there any way I can still allow the Image to expand while the Text can only fill the available Screen Space?
改为使用以下架构 - 通过将每个图像和文本放在自己的 space 中来分隔图像和文本:图像在背景中,文本在叠加层中,例如
Color.clear // << fills screen space (taking into account safe area
... your image here
VStack {
... your text here
.onTapGesture { withAnimation { showFullScreen.toggle() } }