如何让 pydantic await 异步 属性(tortoise-orm 的反向外键)?

How to make pydantic await on a async property (tortoise-orm's reverse ForeignKey)?


在 tortoise-orm 中,我们必须像这样等待反向外键字段:

comments = await Post.get(id=id).comments

但是在 fastapi 中,当 returning 一个 Post 实例时,pydantic 抱怨:

pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for PPost
response -> comments
  value is not a valid list (type=type_error.list)

作为 comments 属性 return 协程是有意义的。我不得不使用这个小技巧来获得 aronud:

post = Post.get(id=id)
return {**post.__dict__, 'comments': await post.comments}

但是,真正的问题 是当我有多个关系时:return 一个用户及其 post 及其评论。在那种情况下,我不得不以一种非常丑陋的方式(听起来不太好)将我的整个模型转换为 dict。



from tortoise.fields import *
from tortoise.models import Model
from tortoise import Tortoise, run_async

async def init_tortoise():
    await Tortoise.init(
        modules={'models': ['models']},
    await Tortoise.generate_schemas()

class User(Model):
    name = CharField(80)

class Post(Model):
    title = CharField(80)
    content = TextField()
    owner = ForeignKeyField('models.User', related_name='posts')

class PostComment(Model):
    text = CharField(80)
    post = ForeignKeyField('models.Post', related_name='comments')

if __name__ == '__main__':

__all__ = [


import asyncio
from typing import List

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel

from models import *

app = FastAPI()


# pydantic models are prefixed with P
class PPostComment(BaseModel):
    text: str

class PPost(BaseModel):
    id: int
    title: str
    content: str
    comments: List[PPostComment]
    class Config:
        orm_mode = True

class PUser(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str
    posts: List[PPost]
    class Config:
        orm_mode = True

@app.get('/posts/{id}', response_model=PPost)
async def index(id: int):
    post = await Post.get_or_none(id=id)
    return {**post.__dict__, 'comments': await post.comments}

@app.get('/users/{id}', response_model=PUser)
async def index(id: int):
    user = await User.get_or_none(id=id)
    return {**user.__dict__, 'posts': await user.posts}

/users/1 错误:

pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for PUser
response -> posts -> 0 -> comments
  value is not a valid list (type=type_error.list)

您也可以将其放入 init.py 和 运行:

import asyncio
from models import *

async def main():
    await init_tortoise()
    u = await User.create(name='drdilyor')
    p = await Post.create(title='foo', content='lorem ipsum', owner=u)
    c = await PostComment.create(text='spam egg', post=p)


我想要的是让 pydantic 在那些异步字段上自动等待(这样我就可以 return Post 实例)。 pydantic 怎么可能?

/posts/{id} 更改为 return post 及其 owner 没有注释实际上是使用这种方式工作(感谢@papple23j):

    return await Post.get_or_none(id=id).prefetch_related('owner')

但不适用于反向外键。 select_related('comments') 也没有帮助,它正在提高 AttributeError: can't set attribute.

您可以尝试使用 prefetch_related()


@app.get('/posts/{id}', response_model=PPost)
async def index(id: int):
    post = await Post.get_or_none(id=id).prefetch_related('comments')
    return {**post.__dict__}



首先将 pydantic 模型片段拆分为 schemas.py

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List

# pydantic models are prefixed with P
class PPostComment(BaseModel):
    text: str
    class Config:
        orm_mode = True # add this line

class PPost(BaseModel):
    id: int
    title: str
    content: str
    comments: List[PPostComment]
    class Config:
        orm_mode = True

class PUser(BaseModel):
    id: int
    name: str
    posts: List[PPost]
    class Config:
        orm_mode = True


from tortoise.fields import *
from tortoise.models import Model
from tortoise import Tortoise, run_async

from schemas import *

async def init_tortoise():
    await Tortoise.init(
        modules={'models': ['models']},
    await Tortoise.generate_schemas()

class User(Model):
    name = CharField(80)
    _posts = ReverseRelation["Post"] #1

    def posts(self): #3
        return [PPost.from_orm(post) for post in self._posts]

class Post(Model):
    title = CharField(80)
    content = TextField()
    owner = ForeignKeyField('models.User', related_name='_posts') #2
    _comments = ReverseRelation["PostComment"] #1
    def comments(self): #3
        return [PPostComment.from_orm(comment) for comment in self._comments]

class PostComment(Model):
    text = CharField(80)
    post = ForeignKeyField('models.Post', related_name='_comments') #2

if __name__ == '__main__':

__all__ = [






import asyncio
from typing import List

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException

from models import *
from schemas import *
from tortoise.query_utils import Prefetch

app = FastAPI()


@app.get('/posts/{id}', response_model=PPost)
async def index(id: int):
    post = await Post.get_or_none(id=id).prefetch_related('_comments') #1
    return PPost.from_orm(post) #2

@app.get('/users/{id}', response_model=PUser)
async def index(id: int):
    user = await User.get_or_none(id=id).prefetch_related(
        Prefetch('_posts',queryset=Post.all().prefetch_related('_comments')) #3
    return PUser.from_orm(user) #2



#2:orm_mode = True的乌龟模型,可以用from_orm转成pydantic模型



我想到的一个解决方案是使用 tortoise.contrib.pydantic 包:

PPost = pydantic_model_creator(Post)
# used as
return await PPost.from_tortoise_orm(await Post.get_or_none(id=1))

但是根据,在声明模型之前需要初始化 Tortoise,否则 Relation 将不会被包含。所以我很想替换这一行:




但它出错了 event loop is already running 并删除了 uvloop 和 installing nest_asyncio helped with that.



Fetching foreign keys can be done with both async and sync interfaces.

Async fetch:

events = await tournament.events.all()

Sync usage requires that you call fetch_related before the time, and then you can use common functions.

await tournament.fetch_related('events')

在查询集上使用.fetch_related)(或prefetch_related)后,反向外键将变成可迭代的,可以像列表一样使用。但是 pydantic 仍然会抱怨这不是一个有效的列表,所以需要使用验证器:

class PPost(BaseModel):
    comments: List[PPostComment]

    @validator('comments', pre=True)
    def _iter_to_list(cls, v):
        return list(v)


并且因为我设置了 orm_mode,所以我必须使用 .from_orm 方法:

return PPost.from_orm(await Post.get_or_none(id=42))

Remember, a few hours of trial and error can save you several minutes of looking at the README.