用于建模 3-D 表面的二参数非线性函数
Two parameter non-linear function for modeling a 3-D surface
我有兴趣使用一个简单的方程对这个表面建模,该方程接受两个参数 (x,y) 值并产生一个 z 值。理想情况下,方程式具有简单的形式。我已经尝试过 Monkey Saddle、多项式回归(三阶和四阶)以及多线性和对数线性 OLS,并取得了一些成功 (R^2 0.99),但是 none 非常适合曲线部分。似乎应该有一个简单的模型来预测这个表面。也许是一种非线性回归方法。有什么建议么?谢谢!
使用 Mikuszefski 的建议似乎可以为曲线位产生合理的结果:
虽然 OP 在某种意义上是有问题的,因为它不是真正的编程问题,但我在这里尝试使用具有合理少量参数的函数来拟合数据,即 6。代码以某种方式显示了我的行思考检索此解决方案。它非常符合数据,但可能没有任何物理意义。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions( precision=3 )
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
data0 = np.loadtxt( "XYZ.csv", delimiter=",")
data = data0.reshape(11,16,4)
tdata = np.transpose(data, axes=(1,0,2))
### first guess for the shape of the data when plotted against x
def my_p( x, a, p):
return a * x**p
### turns out that the fit parameters theselve follow the above law
### themselve but with an offset and plotted against z, of course
def my_p2( x, a, p, x0):
return a * (x - x0)**p
def my_full( x, y, asc, aexp, ash, psc, pexp, psh):
a = my_p2( y, asc, aexp, ash )
p = my_p2( y, psc, pexp, psh )
z = my_p( x, a, p)
return z
### base lists for plotting
xl = np.linspace( 0, 30, 150 )
yl = np.linspace( 5, 200, 200 )
### setting the plots
fig = plt.figure( figsize=( 16, 12) )
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 1 )
bx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 2 )
cx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 3 )
dx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 4 )
ex = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 5 )
fx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 6, projection='3d' )
### fitting the data linewise for different z as function of x
### keeping track of the fit parameters
adata = list()
pdata = list()
for subdata in data:
xdata = subdata[::,1]
zdata = subdata[::,3 ]
sol,_ = curve_fit( my_p, xdata, zdata )
print( sol, subdata[0,2] ) ### fit parameters for different z
adata.append( [subdata[0,2] , sol[0] ] )
pdata.append( [subdata[0,2] , sol[1] ] )
### plotting the z-cuts
ax.plot( xdata , zdata , ls='', marker='o')
ax.plot( xl, my_p( xl, *sol ) )
adata = np.array( adata )
pdata = np.array( pdata )
ax.scatter( [0],[0] )
### fitting the the fitparameters as function of z
sola, _ = curve_fit( my_p2, adata[::,0], adata[::,1], p0= ( 1, -0.05,0 ) )
print( sola )
bx.plot( *(adata.transpose() ) )
bx.plot( yl, my_p2( yl, *sola))
solp, _ = curve_fit( my_p2, pdata[::,0], pdata[::,1], p0= ( 1, -0.05,0 ) )
print( solp )
cx.plot( *(pdata.transpose() ) )
cx.plot( yl, my_p2( yl, *solp))
### plotting the cuts applying the resuts from the "fit of fits"
for subdata in data:
xdata = subdata[ ::, 1 ]
y0 = subdata[ 0, 2 ]
zdata = subdata[ ::, 3 ]
dx.plot( xdata , zdata , ls='', marker='o' )
xl, y0, 2.12478827, -0.187, -20.84, 0.928, -0.0468, 0.678
### now fitting the entire data with the overall 6 parameter function
def residuals( params, alldata ):
asc, aexp, ash, psc, pexp, psh = params
diff = list()
for data in alldata:
x = data[1]
y = data[2]
z = data[3]
zth = my_full( x, y, asc, aexp, ash, psc, pexp, psh)
diff.append( z - zth )
return diff
## and fitting using the hand-made residual function and least_squares
resultfinal = least_squares(
x0 =( 2.12478827, -0.187, -20.84, 0.928, -0.0468, 0.678 ),
args = ( data0, ) )
### least_squares does not provide errors but the approximated jacobian
### so we follow:
print( resultfinal.x)
resi = resultfinal.fun
JMX = resultfinal.jac
HMX = np.dot( JMX.transpose(),JMX )
cov_red = np.linalg.inv( HMX )
s_sq = np.sum( resi**2 ) /( len(data0) - 6 )
cov = cov_red * s_sq
print( cov )
### plotting the cuts with the overall fit
for subdata in data:
xdata = subdata[::,1]
y0 = subdata[0,2]
zdata = subdata[::,3 ]
ex.plot( xdata , zdata , ls='', marker='o')
ex.plot( xl, my_full( xl, y0, *resultfinal.x ) )
### and in 3d, which is actually not very helpful partially due to the
### fact that matplotlib has limited 3d capabilities.
XX, YY = np.meshgrid( xl, yl )
ZZ = my_full( XX, YY, *resultfinal.x )
data0[::,1], data0[::,2], data0[::,3],
color="#ff0000", alpha=1 )
fx.plot_wireframe( XX, YY, ZZ , cmap='inferno')
[1.154 0.866] 5.0
[1.126 0.837] 10.0
[1.076 0.802] 20.0
[1.013 0.794] 30.0
[0.975 0.789] 40.0
[0.961 0.771] 50.0
[0.919 0.754] 75.0
[0.86 0.748] 100.0
[0.845 0.738] 125.0
[0.816 0.735] 150.0
[0.774 0.726] 200.0
[ 2.125 -0.186 -20.841]
[ 0.928 -0.047 0.678]
[ 1.874 -0.162 -13.83 0.949 -0.052 -1.228]
[[ 6.851e-03 -7.413e-04 -1.737e-01 -6.914e-04 1.638e-04 5.367e-02]
[-7.413e-04 8.293e-05 1.729e-02 8.103e-05 -2.019e-05 -5.816e-03]
[-1.737e-01 1.729e-02 5.961e+00 1.140e-02 -2.272e-03 -1.423e+00]
[-6.914e-04 8.103e-05 1.140e-02 1.050e-04 -2.672e-05 -6.100e-03]
[ 1.638e-04 -2.019e-05 -2.272e-03 -2.672e-05 7.164e-06 1.455e-03]
[ 5.367e-02 -5.816e-03 -1.423e+00 -6.100e-03 1.455e-03 5.090e-01]]
z = 1.874 / ( y + 13.83 )**0.162 * x**( 0.949 / ( y + 1.228 )**0.052 )
我有兴趣使用一个简单的方程对这个表面建模,该方程接受两个参数 (x,y) 值并产生一个 z 值。理想情况下,方程式具有简单的形式。我已经尝试过 Monkey Saddle、多项式回归(三阶和四阶)以及多线性和对数线性 OLS,并取得了一些成功 (R^2 0.99),但是 none 非常适合曲线部分。似乎应该有一个简单的模型来预测这个表面。也许是一种非线性回归方法。有什么建议么?谢谢!
使用 Mikuszefski 的建议似乎可以为曲线位产生合理的结果:
虽然 OP 在某种意义上是有问题的,因为它不是真正的编程问题,但我在这里尝试使用具有合理少量参数的函数来拟合数据,即 6。代码以某种方式显示了我的行思考检索此解决方案。它非常符合数据,但可能没有任何物理意义。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions( precision=3 )
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
data0 = np.loadtxt( "XYZ.csv", delimiter=",")
data = data0.reshape(11,16,4)
tdata = np.transpose(data, axes=(1,0,2))
### first guess for the shape of the data when plotted against x
def my_p( x, a, p):
return a * x**p
### turns out that the fit parameters theselve follow the above law
### themselve but with an offset and plotted against z, of course
def my_p2( x, a, p, x0):
return a * (x - x0)**p
def my_full( x, y, asc, aexp, ash, psc, pexp, psh):
a = my_p2( y, asc, aexp, ash )
p = my_p2( y, psc, pexp, psh )
z = my_p( x, a, p)
return z
### base lists for plotting
xl = np.linspace( 0, 30, 150 )
yl = np.linspace( 5, 200, 200 )
### setting the plots
fig = plt.figure( figsize=( 16, 12) )
ax = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 1 )
bx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 2 )
cx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 3 )
dx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 4 )
ex = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 5 )
fx = fig.add_subplot( 2, 3, 6, projection='3d' )
### fitting the data linewise for different z as function of x
### keeping track of the fit parameters
adata = list()
pdata = list()
for subdata in data:
xdata = subdata[::,1]
zdata = subdata[::,3 ]
sol,_ = curve_fit( my_p, xdata, zdata )
print( sol, subdata[0,2] ) ### fit parameters for different z
adata.append( [subdata[0,2] , sol[0] ] )
pdata.append( [subdata[0,2] , sol[1] ] )
### plotting the z-cuts
ax.plot( xdata , zdata , ls='', marker='o')
ax.plot( xl, my_p( xl, *sol ) )
adata = np.array( adata )
pdata = np.array( pdata )
ax.scatter( [0],[0] )
### fitting the the fitparameters as function of z
sola, _ = curve_fit( my_p2, adata[::,0], adata[::,1], p0= ( 1, -0.05,0 ) )
print( sola )
bx.plot( *(adata.transpose() ) )
bx.plot( yl, my_p2( yl, *sola))
solp, _ = curve_fit( my_p2, pdata[::,0], pdata[::,1], p0= ( 1, -0.05,0 ) )
print( solp )
cx.plot( *(pdata.transpose() ) )
cx.plot( yl, my_p2( yl, *solp))
### plotting the cuts applying the resuts from the "fit of fits"
for subdata in data:
xdata = subdata[ ::, 1 ]
y0 = subdata[ 0, 2 ]
zdata = subdata[ ::, 3 ]
dx.plot( xdata , zdata , ls='', marker='o' )
xl, y0, 2.12478827, -0.187, -20.84, 0.928, -0.0468, 0.678
### now fitting the entire data with the overall 6 parameter function
def residuals( params, alldata ):
asc, aexp, ash, psc, pexp, psh = params
diff = list()
for data in alldata:
x = data[1]
y = data[2]
z = data[3]
zth = my_full( x, y, asc, aexp, ash, psc, pexp, psh)
diff.append( z - zth )
return diff
## and fitting using the hand-made residual function and least_squares
resultfinal = least_squares(
x0 =( 2.12478827, -0.187, -20.84, 0.928, -0.0468, 0.678 ),
args = ( data0, ) )
### least_squares does not provide errors but the approximated jacobian
### so we follow:
print( resultfinal.x)
resi = resultfinal.fun
JMX = resultfinal.jac
HMX = np.dot( JMX.transpose(),JMX )
cov_red = np.linalg.inv( HMX )
s_sq = np.sum( resi**2 ) /( len(data0) - 6 )
cov = cov_red * s_sq
print( cov )
### plotting the cuts with the overall fit
for subdata in data:
xdata = subdata[::,1]
y0 = subdata[0,2]
zdata = subdata[::,3 ]
ex.plot( xdata , zdata , ls='', marker='o')
ex.plot( xl, my_full( xl, y0, *resultfinal.x ) )
### and in 3d, which is actually not very helpful partially due to the
### fact that matplotlib has limited 3d capabilities.
XX, YY = np.meshgrid( xl, yl )
ZZ = my_full( XX, YY, *resultfinal.x )
data0[::,1], data0[::,2], data0[::,3],
color="#ff0000", alpha=1 )
fx.plot_wireframe( XX, YY, ZZ , cmap='inferno')
[1.154 0.866] 5.0
[1.126 0.837] 10.0
[1.076 0.802] 20.0
[1.013 0.794] 30.0
[0.975 0.789] 40.0
[0.961 0.771] 50.0
[0.919 0.754] 75.0
[0.86 0.748] 100.0
[0.845 0.738] 125.0
[0.816 0.735] 150.0
[0.774 0.726] 200.0
[ 2.125 -0.186 -20.841]
[ 0.928 -0.047 0.678]
[ 1.874 -0.162 -13.83 0.949 -0.052 -1.228]
[[ 6.851e-03 -7.413e-04 -1.737e-01 -6.914e-04 1.638e-04 5.367e-02]
[-7.413e-04 8.293e-05 1.729e-02 8.103e-05 -2.019e-05 -5.816e-03]
[-1.737e-01 1.729e-02 5.961e+00 1.140e-02 -2.272e-03 -1.423e+00]
[-6.914e-04 8.103e-05 1.140e-02 1.050e-04 -2.672e-05 -6.100e-03]
[ 1.638e-04 -2.019e-05 -2.272e-03 -2.672e-05 7.164e-06 1.455e-03]
[ 5.367e-02 -5.816e-03 -1.423e+00 -6.100e-03 1.455e-03 5.090e-01]]
拟合看起来不错,协方差矩阵似乎也不错。 因此,最终函数是:
z = 1.874 / ( y + 13.83 )**0.162 * x**( 0.949 / ( y + 1.228 )**0.052 )